
Frats Ranked off academics

by: Frats Ranked off of Smart

Not a huge factor during rush but I recommend not rushing houses with really low GPA's not really great guys

Top/Really smart houses: AEPI, Fiji, Adphi, Sigs
Smarter houses: PSK, Phi Psi, Phi Delt, Aggers, ZBT, DChi
Decent Houses: SAE, Acacia, Delts, DU
Dumb Houses: ATO, Pike, Asigs, Phi Tau, (lots of bottom houses)

Posted By: Frats Ranked off of Smart
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#1  by: Once again   

Aepi once again collaborated this one

By: Once again
by: lolJul 1, 2024 11:25:44 PM

top gpa last three semesters?

By: lol
by: ?Jul 2, 2024 11:12:05 AM

this is just going by official ranks from the school itself

By: ?
#2  by: Benis   

Should also take into account what majors are in the houses. A house with a lot of engineers is going to have a lower GPA then a house with all business guys but that doesn’t mean it’s a “dumb house”

By: Benis

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