
AXO hate recently


Why is AXO getting so much hate recently? They’re a great house with great girls that have actually personalities. Unlike theta and Dg the girls in AXO are actually fun to hangout with and have conversations with. I’d take axo over theta everyday and dg most days

Posted By: Benjamin
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100% yes- For sure, they are prob the most likeable overall of the top houses. They get along with literally everyone, value diversity, they aren't cookie cutter, but they do have a bunch of beautiful, fun, smart, involved/ accomplished girls. They generally seem to have chill personalities without huge egos and they actually seem to like each other and don't have a ton of cliques within their house. The hate seems to be coming from other houses that are worried about their standing going into fall rush....

By: greek

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no one’s hating but it’s the fact that interrupt and say they’re in the top 3 when they’re not lmao

By: truth
by: SRAT   

GPhi has literally gone insane with the AXO bashing. No girls, you are NOT better than AXO, Theta, KD. Just knock it off already. PNMs will see your actual house and members soon enough and it will be obvious that you are not better than the houses that you keep bashing on Greek Rank. I always thought you were a decent house, but good GOD, you are showing how insecure you are by constantly spamming AXO and others with negative reviews.


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