
Top 5 houses with the hardest pledgeship

by: Curious

Wondering which houses are known for having a time consuming and longer pledgeship? For research purposes only :)

Posted By: Curious
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#1  by: :::::   

Nice try IFC

By: :::::
#2  by: .   

TKE and Triangle

By: .
by: NahJul 1, 2024 5:20:03 PM

Theta got the hardest pledgeship

By: Nah
#3  by: Pnm   

If you rush sae you’ll always be considered a sigs pledge so keep that in mind

By: Pnm
by: Riley morrisJun 29, 2024 1:31:40 AM

Sigs has 6 week pledgeship and no hazing join the tradition!!!!

By: Riley morris
by: )Jul 1, 2024 4:53:23 AM

Can someone explain this?

By: )
#4  by: Honstubish   

Well we can assume Acacia and Delts, since they are not recognized by IFC because of hazing.

Won't comment on others because they are all still in IFC.

By: Honstubish
#5  by: Somewhat accurate   

Here are from what I understand the top 5 hardest pledge ships and then others that are less physically tough but require a lot of time

Hardest Physically: SAE, Delts, ATO, Acacia, ZBT (especially if they lose the FB game)

Time Commitment: Sigs (pretyy easy for being a top house), AEPI, Phi Psi

Easy ones from solid houses:
SNU (nothing), Adphi (nothing), Fiji, DChi

By: Somewhat accurate
#6  by: THETA   



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