
real sorority rank 2024 27s


Top: Theta DG AXO
Lower top: Tridelt, GPHI
Upper mid: KD XO
mid: APhi KKG PhiSig
lower mid: AXiD DZ AGD PiPhi SDT ADPi
bottom: AOII AEPHI phimu

Posted By: Truth
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Axo self rank

By: Axo
by: Keep whining Theta   

AXO still remains in the Top 3. Cringe = Theta Did your boyfriend dump you for an AXO? You’ve gone after AXO hardcore lately. Sad little Theta hazer. LOL.

By: Keep whining Theta

I believe XO should be up higher. Fun , nice, girls. Not materialistic.They get along with just about everyone. Very welcoming.

By: Suez
by: No   

They mostly mix with mid frats though. Their social calendar is even worse than Aphis

By: No



Everything here good except move PSS down one level.

By: Gomers
by: Gomers   

haha said that to show how many would thumbs-down the post. yup they are definitely here. worry more about how you act, and the ranking will take care of itself.

By: Gomers

Theta down to upper mid

By: He’ll nah

The Theta self rank is hilarious. They are truly just the worst humans. The only people who still think they are top tier are mid tier frat guys who are hoping to f$(k one of them.

By: Recent graduate

For the hundredth time AXO, you are not top tier 😭 Stop self ranking lmao

By: you’re pathetic

girl really put axo in the top 3 and thought we wouldn’t notice LMAOOO, stay in the middle row honey

By: cringe
by: Keep whining Theta   

Cringe- get a life. All you seem to do all day is bash AXO. Someone feels super mad that their house got caught hazing and their sisterhood sucks.

By: Keep whining Theta
by: SRAT    

Top 4- DG, Theta, AXO, and throw in GPHI
Next tier great houses: KD and Tri-Delt

This is facts. Anyone who says otherwise is just trying to mislead PNMs before the fall.

by: SRAT   

AXO has consistently been in the Top 3 over many years. While a couple other houses are also great, to say AXO isn’t top tier is just false. Theta and GPHI bashing a great house again because they feel threatened- Clean up your own acts and you don’t have to worry about dropping in the rankings and artificially ranking other houses low to make yourselves look better.


theta should be lower for assaulting a freshman


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by: Former   

I never understood why Thetas were considered a top house. Everyone knows that they haze like crazy -- add in the backstabbing, mean girl mentality and it's a mess there.

By: Former

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