
basic tiers


Top: Pikes, Sigs, SAE, Delts, Acacia

Upper: Sigep, ATO (replaced by Acacia), PhiDelt

High Middle: ZBT, Sammy's, LambdaChi, PhiPsi, FIJI

Middle: DU, DChi (only bc has really fallen off), Alpha Sig, AGR

Posted By: How It Really Is
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put ZBT and Sammys in upper and take out acacia and phi delts and i agree

By: Ok
by: ummm   

wait who are Sammy's and Fiji blocking with?

By: ummm
by: true..   

PhiDelt and ZBT are on the rise right now. I would put them both in front of SigEp with the houses they are blocking with this year. FIJI is behind Dchi

By: true..
by: Nah   

ZBT had SDT for block last year come on now. Phi Delts and Sigep are very similar, but SigEp is tighter with APhi and PhiDelts with Kappa. APHi>Kappa so the rankings are where they should be

By: Nah
by: .....   

Phi delt has block with kappa next year and zbt has block with Aphi. Sig ep is stuck with chi o.... no way you put that in front lol

By: .....
by: ....   

Phi Delt had ChiO last year... block needs to be looked at over a three year cycle not the current year. Aphi would pick Sigep every year if they could, they would def not pick PhiDelt or ZBT every year

By: ....

Sigs realistically belongs down by sig ep and ATO

By: um

I think that Fiji is blocking with phi sig sig. Lets face it there is more to all of this than who people are blocking with. It may be a bit of an element but thats it. I think that we are all getting beyond that. Now what will you do put Fiji on the bottom because they are blocking with phi sig sig? Don't think so. Get my point?

By: @ ummm
by: ^^   

right. there are way more frats than sororities so sometimes they are going to get stuck with lower ones. but that doesn't lower their reputation as a whole.

By: ^^
by: ^   

Truth. Block has some meaning, but it's really only one aspect of a frat's social.

By: ^

But let's say Fiji didn't have block. People would be saying that they shouldn't even be on this list then

By: ^^^

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Betas are definitely high middle, equivalent to ZBT

By: Betas

Take Pike, Sae, Sigs, Delts, and Acacia out of the Top and put in Betas

By: Not a Beta
by: Flip   

I agree. By the end of the year this is how things might shape up
9.Phi Delt
10.Sig Ep

By: Flip

im sorry but how are we placing betas anywhere in there when they have no reputation yet, no block, and are just getting their house next year... also, girls have said their pregames have been really bad and they are majority Indian... just saying. Don't think of them like the old betas, there is no connection

By: truth

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