
top 10


Can we at least agree on the top 10?
1. Theta
2. DDD
3. AXO
4. DG
5. GPhi
6. APhi
7. KKG
8. XO
9. KD
10. ADPi

Posted By: Atleast
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By: accurate

I agree 100% with the top 10 but I must say I do not agree with DG being number 4. Sorry, I Know that this is a controversial subject but they are still top 3. AXo is # 4 but the rest is correct.

By: @ op
by: ^^^^   

Agree. It isn't a controversial subject on campus
Just here on Greek rank someone is determined to knock them down
Same thing with DDD last year. Someone wrote the same nonsense they just switched DG and DDD names

By: ^^^^

Chi O is not top 10

By: Lol

move Chi o to the bottom of the list and then switch kappa and KD. although that might be nitpicking since #7-10 are all pretty interchangeable

By: @OP

Even if XO has fallen, they still have a better block than ADPi. Sig Ep is much better than Alpha Sigs. It will be interesting to see who asks ADPi for block in 2015.

By: Well

DG should go up to # 2 or 3 spot. It will take one more bad rush to bring them down, Maybe not even that. otherwise it is perfect.

By: @ op
by: DG   

They've had 2 really bad rushes with lots of snap bids. Add to that low grades and you have a middle tier house.

By: DG
by: True   

DG should be higher. They had great pledge classes the last two years and they have not snap bid. I wish Panhellenic would just give that info out online so people could stop making gossip up

By: True

I agree, it looks good and DG has one more year to prove itself or AXO will take their place.

By: @ above

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I don't really know any girls in ADPi so idk how they're like. Besides that, YES this is the truest thing.

By: yes

looks good to me.

By: @ op

switch gphi and axo. and kappa with kd

By: op

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