
could i join a sorority even though i'm older?

by: Air Force Girl

So I have been in the Air Force for the last two years, but I will be attending the University of Illinois in the fall. Both my Dad and brother were Delta Chi s and they loved it, so I want to join a sorority. I'm 20 now though, which is obviously older than the average freshman. Could I still join a sorority? I'm also going to throw out there that I am a pretty attractive female (not that sororities judge on looks, but if they do I'd say I'm good in my most humble opinion of course. Lol).

Posted By: Air Force Girl
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#1  by: hey   


By: hey
#2  by: Been There   

I transferred to U of I from community college a few years ago when I was 20. Like you, I was unsure about how my age might be looked at by the houses, but both my parents and several of my aunts and uncles had been part of the Greek system when they went to U of I (each in a different house) so I knew I wanted to at least give it a try. I went through formal recruitment and ended up joining a sorority that was one of my favorites from the very first time I talked to the girls there. I know girls who joined other houses when they were 19 or 20 as well. Some had no problem fitting in with their pledge class/house and for others, the age/maturity difference caused them to leave their house after their first year. Some houses might dismiss you during recruitment because of your age (I had some girls all but completely stop talking to me during the process when they heard I wasn't a freshman) but you still will have plenty of houses that will be open to having you join.
Also during recruitment, in general, the girls already in houses are directed to evaluate how the girls rushing present themselves (appropriate clothes, hair, confidence, eye-contact, personality, etc.) so that they aren't technically judging based on looks, but being attractive never hurts either.

By: Been There
#3  by: Yes   

Yes Illinois is not like SEC rush where you really need to be a freshman
Keep an open mind though because no one has a perfect rush

By: Yes
#4  by: OP    

Agree keep an open mind and you should find a home
Have fun and try not to listen to too much tent talk

By: OP

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