
top 3 sororities


Does anyone know how long Theta, Tri Delt and DG have been top houses? Has it been years and if yes how many? Why is it that no matter what they do or no matter how many bad pledge classes some of them get they never move down. I dont get it and I am just trying to understand.

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The three have been TOPS forever

By: Same

Not so much anymore. Too hard to hide the flaws and the mistakes that you have made.

By: @ above

Not only that are they still going to be bragging about having block with jail birds. I think that we are all getting away from that too.

By: @ above

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Sorry they are TOPS
Not sure why it bothers everyone so much
They are top to the most superficial people who are obsessed with their looks, status and money. The people who don't care about that don't even listen to this noise

By: Tops
by: Yes   

No kidding
Stop highlighting just a few select houses.
They weren't even on my radar as that is not my type

By: Yes

So True, I WAS invited back to top houses parties and did not want to have anything to do with the. Sorry, we are all not into that whole vibe.

By: @ agree

If all girls in that house got kicked out for being wild. There would be no girls at all in that house or very few. Why do you think no one wanted to join in the year of the snappers. They heard all about it.

By: @ Bye

DDD is legit the best house but that being said they have their fair share of yuckies which makes them just lime everyone else plus Boring!!
Kat has some legit uglies that could be in ANY house....not so high and mighty.
AXO and DG are wannabes and very fuc.m. like..tuck!!

By: Real

They're only tops on greek rank. In real like there are significant problems that everyone knows about. Especially DG, but DDD and Theta too.

By: truth
by: @ Theta   

I really never hear anything negative about theta except that they are not that Hot. Not that they have problems.

By: @ Theta
by: Wow...   

So amazing that all of the other houses are so pure and perfect.

By: Wow...

Seriously all the houses have issues
People just pick on the houses that are considered the best

By: Really

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