
top 3 sororities

by: question

Does anyone know how long Theta, Tri Delt and DG have been top houses? Has it been years and if yes how many? Why is it that no matter what they do or no matter how many bad pledge classes some of them get they never move down. I dont get it and I am just trying to understand.

Posted By: question
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#1  by: Top3   

In reality they have moved down (if you're talking about DG), but on Greek Rank they are defended by so many alums that they don't move down on here.

By: Top3
by: StopApr 30, 2014 6:54:37 AM

Repeat yourself much?

By: Stop
#2  by: @ Top 3   

Well Clearly DG does not agree with that, they were on the Royal Bar crawl. I do think that some of those girls look like royalty though. I saw a couple that resembled queen Elizabeth and Princess Margaret.

By: @ Top 3
by: TrueApr 30, 2014 6:51:57 AM

Yes they were on Royal Bar Crawl and they are a great house
They are still tops but someone on here rips them a lot
Haters gonna hate

By: True
#3  by: TOP 3 truth   

I saw some person comment on a different post months ago, and I thought what they said was 100% accurate to the TEE. I can't find it to copy & paste here, but I'll try to repeat basically what they said:

THETA: They're a Queen house because their older girls were/are gorgeous and fairly a good time, but they did not have the strongest rush this year. Their 17s aren't as up to par. Most are still pretty and/or fun, but there's a bunch of legacies, questionable girls, and girls who only have lots of money. If they continue this trend, the future isn't all high and mighty.

TRIDELT: They have also been Queen for years, but their 14s and 15s were a little rocky (that whole snapbid fiasco). However, they got lucky with a strong 17 pledge class with a lot of fun, beautiful girls who help reassure their position as a Queen house, and their title of royalty most likely won't change for awhile.

DG: They were also a Queen house for awhile with pretty girls who partied well. Right now, their upperclassmen are definitely royalty, but their 16s and 17s (as a whole) fell shorter than what would be considered "safe". They aren't keeping the good rep they used to have and are beginning to blend in with girls from houses below them. Yes they're still a higher-up house, but their royalty is already questionable; some people don't even consider them queen anymore

By: TOP 3 truth
#4  by: because   

with a rush of over 1000 girls, there will always be girls that want to get into those houses. they will always have demand and therefore be able to be (somewhat) selective. it will take either years and years and years of steady decline (so many years that none of us would notice any change in our years here), or something catastrophic (social probation, losing their house, etc) to really bring them down

By: because
#5  by: Does not mater    

Theta- reality is not that great...old tradition is but when you stand back, and to be fair everyone should , theta is FAR from hot. not hot all all but unearned good rep.

By: Does not mater
by: AgreeMay 20, 2014 3:42:34 PM

Agree that Theta is living on their PAST
the hottest girls are in DDD DG and GPHi

By: Agree
#6  by: @ # 5   

You are correct a certain type of girl is drawn to those houses. I must tell you thought people are getting smart and moving away from thinking that it is important to be in a top house thing. I think these past houses than ever and better girls in the ones that are lower than them. Seems to be moving that way.

By: @ # 5
#7  by: queens   

Theta is still a top house and Tri Delta is coming back. DG has slid so far that I don't see them coming back.

By: queens
by: NotApr 30, 2014 6:56:47 AM

Maybe in your fantasy world
But here on campus those three are tops

By: Not
by: yeahMay 14, 2014 4:27:06 PM

These three are tops except for DG. Sorry. That's just the truth even though people who tell the truth are all called the dg stalker!

By: yeah
#8  by: @above   

Yes, it's just a matter of reputations being entrenched for years when information was less available. People are socially smarter now and social media has made the flaws in houses more noticeable. It's easy to find out how many snap bids are handed out, what a pc looks like, or where the really desirable girls go. That's why the old reputations are beginning to realign with reality.

By: @above
by: aboveApr 30, 2014 7:34:39 PM

Yeah, everyone can make up his or her own mind by looking a at social media.

By: above
by: trueMay 14, 2014 4:31:57 PM

Now it's so easy to see which girls are at which parties. It's easy to see what new classes look like, what their activities are, and what their grades are. That's why some of the top houses are trying to keep up their reputations by being somewhat insistent about their royal status on this sleazy website.

By: true
by: @ aboveMay 14, 2014 5:31:04 PM

Wow, that is so true and something im sure people in those top houses do not want to admit. Although it is as clear as day.

By: @ above
by: top housesMay 16, 2014 8:46:52 AM

I agree. Social media makes it painfully obvious immediately who ends up in which house. It is also obvious when someone tweets that they've quit recruitment and are going home then miraculously end up in DG. It used to be something that people gossiped about and denying it was a good tactic. Now it's just out there for everyone to see for themselves. I think that's been the reason for the rapid slide of DG.

By: top houses
#9  by: Stop   

This poster is just looking to stir up drama

By: Stop
by: AgreeApr 30, 2014 7:05:38 AM

Agree this poster is a troll determined to stir up trouble
Go away

By: Agree
#10  by: @ agree   

Glad that you agree with yourself. If people were responding positively about your house you would not be calling the op a troll. Guess that you just don't like what you are reading.

By: @ agree

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