
most improved


List the houses that have improved and have the best chance at moving up a bit next year-----
and the ones that need improvement and if they have really declined in rank or not.

Posted By: Blake
Page 1 of 3

Houses that are moving up;

By: Best
by: @ best   

I think this just proves that one of these houses is the DG stalker, well not KKG because they are not moving up like that. We all can take a good guess at what this is all about. Axo are not social climbers so the process of elimination holds true on this one.

By: @ best
by: @ Best   

Really so AXO and Gphi are taking the top house spots? That is the only way that they can move up they are 4 and 5 PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZE

By: @ Best
by: uh   

no this is NOT "dg stalker" or whatever that is, but lets be honest. the DG upperclassmen are solid queens but this year and last year's DG pledge classes are really just not up to par

By: uh
by: Calm down   

The hateful posts are written by one person. When anything less than glowing is written about DG, he/she goes berserk. Although he/she accuses the poster of being a DG stalker, I think he/she is really a GR stalker. Always on here making sure that DG is praised. I just think it makes them look so sad. No other house has to spend that much time telling everyone they're wrong about them.

By: Calm down
by: Haha   

You knew this post was coming after the ripping of the top houses
I actually think Kappa has moved up the most and is on par with AXO
Making those the top 5 houses

By: Haha

Houses moving up:
Phi Delt

Houses moving down:
Sigma Chi

By: Dope

Moving up:
Phi Delt
Phi Psi
Delta Chi

By: OP

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Phi Delt
Theta Xi

By: Derp
by: bro   

Theta Xi? lmfao

By: bro

Up: Phi Delt, Phi Psi, DU
Down: ATO, Fiji, Dchi

By: actually
by: Frat   

Pretty much this

By: Frat

Sororities moving up:

By: Up
by: Yeah   

Right now ADPi is above axid and pi phi, but slightly below kappa and xo. With a good 18s class they will solidly be with kappa and upper middle houses.

By: Yeah

XO and AGD

By: @ op
by: @above    

Not so much...xo maybe slipping a little but their 18's will tell if they really do or not.
AGD is not going down, they actually have been drama free this year and have really great 17's and will also be interesting to see their 18's. Can't keep punishing a house for what graduating or graduated girls did....foolish and pointless.
KD and ADPi at ay where they are at as well, post 18's they may move up a bit but nothing dramatic and that also is true for PSS as all they can do is move up.

Agree that AXO is already trending up.

By: @above

There is no place that AXO can go because lets face it the top 3 houses will never move. They are already #4 How many years have the top 3 houses been there? Does anyone know? Aside from that I do agree with # 6 that KD ADPI and PSS have moved up. I also agree that AGD has moved down and so has XO. Due to behavior that was classless. I don't care if the seniors did it or the freshman did it. They are all Reflections of Their letters as well as their houses reputation.

By: @ above
by: down   

Agreed AGD is deff falling

By: down
by: True   

True the top three are impossible to break. Every year Greek rank gets littered with these posts thinking pnms are on here trying to break the stranglehold. Then recruitment starts and the top three are beyond obvious as usual.
AXO has firmly taken the fourth spot though from GPhi

By: True

I am with you 100%

By: @ down

I am with you 100%

By: @ down

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