
stop pretending

by: Pretender

Unbelievable that someone would come on here and post as a DG and then act like a stuck up sleazy fool and then rip DDD using our name as well
Not cool at all
I am a DG and it is awful to have someone rip our house non-stop.
Seriously stop ripping out sisterhood

Posted By: Pretender
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#1  by: @ DG   

Don't worry they wouldn't be doing it if they were not threatened. Who spends that much time spewing all that hate and venom. I would consider it a compliment. Just like any house that is constantly bashed. It is usually because someone got dropped or that a certain house would like to take your place.

By: @ DG
#2  by: Duh   

It's gamma phi's. I know for a 100% fact

By: Duh
by: Top3-DG mafiaApr 27, 2014 9:25:08 PM

Spoken like a true member of the Top 3-DG mafia. They ALWAYS blame another house by name.

By: Top3-DG mafia
#3  by: Bad thread   

Frankly, I have nothing to say about this except that it would be far more confident and interesting if the OP never made this thread.....
Be confident and carefree....it's far more attractive.
By creating a thread you look separate and like a cry baby....who cares what anonymous trolls behind computers say about any house?
By creating this thread you are opening yourself up to criticism as well as feeding right into 'their' trap....bad move...desperate.

By: Bad thread
#4  by: hi   

say rip one more time

By: hi

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