
lack of events/ big ragers


We have one of the biggest greek systems in the country yet we don't use it to our advantage. Why do we never see large scale parties similar o that SAE and ATO teamed up to do last semester? Pre-gaming and going to bars gets old after a while.

Posted By: Question
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The only reason ATO teamed up with SAE was because their own popularity was heading south and they needed someone respected to try and keep themselves afloat socially.

By: Itsobvious
by: n   

ironically SAE is the house that ends up on probation for a year.

By: n
by: not quite   

sae and ato didnt "team up" amigo. ato threw a party and invited sae to have more guys so it wasnt 100 guys and 400 girls

By: not quite

@not quite - are you kidding me? Since when would dbags like ATO want more guys to come for the girls they invited to their party? Get real. You give Taus too much credit. The 1-4 ratio is what they like, idiot.


why would any house throw a huge party for everyone and put themselves at risk. Maybe if IFC let up a lil

By: @question

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by: Response   

Because parties are fun, and if you are halfway successful at running a party you eliminate a lot of that risk.

By: Response
by: Lolz   

You obviously haven't been in a leadership position In a fraternity before or if you have you're lucky your are not in prison. Even the most tame parties are breaking a ton of rules: Just think about all of the underage drinking. As soon as you include people who are not members of your organization you open the door for your charter to be pulled and your exec board to get sent to jail. Also I joined a frat to party with my friends not to entertain a bing of geeds.

By: Lolz

Yeah Seriously

By: @ above

The Houses that are next to eachother should throw parties. Sig Ep and Psi U, Agrs Dchi ect. they could split the costs and everything.... it would be awesome. Or even like Sigma Nu and ATO. Those guys are way in Urbana but they have a hell of alot of space between them they could throw a huge block party at. Idk, the greek system just seems to be getting dry.

By: Honest Opinion
by: reality   

I don't know if the Sig Nu/Tau block party would work. They don't really get along with eachother

By: reality
by: OP   

What about the others... I dont see why fraternities dont throw more open outdoors stuff with bands and things like that. My dad said they used to do this all the time in the 80s. Idk Bar rentals just get old after a while.

By: OP
by: well   

DChi and Aggers do have a block party in April every year

By: well

One of my friends in Betas told me they're throwing something huge next year when they get their house back. Something about Milk N Cookies coming back and DJing at the house and something called a Florida party which the old Betas always used to do. I have no idea what it is but sounds like it could be legit.

By: @Question
by: lol   

that party's gonna be full of geeds the Beta House is decimated.

By: lol
by: Beta   

Too bad nationals are putting in $5 mil over the next five years to rebuild it and the first part starts this summer when they're putting in $500k so by next fall it should actually look dope. Beta's probably gonna have the best house on campus in a few years.

By: Beta
by: Beta   

They're house is huge too! DO they have a social Calendar yet? What about block? I doubt they have either since they're so new.

By: Beta

delts throw the best parties. jk jeff brown is legendary in this house... and he pretty much looks like a toilet

By: delta tau delta
by: @Totally a Tau   

Yup pretty much

By: @Totally a Tau

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