
ato's decline


How in the hell did the Taus fall from grace so suddenly? I met a good amount of those kids at Lion and I hardly see why they get so much hate. It just doesn't make sense to be blocking with KD of all houses after being paried with Tri-Delt DG and G-Phi these past few years. Anyone care to explain?

Posted By: Bump
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Why don't we just stop judging houses by who they block with. Maybe those guys happen to get along with and like the girls in KD

By: @ bump
by: bro   

you just went full retard....never go full retard.

By: bro
by: Um   

well who you pair/block with usually corresponds with social standing. Last time I checked we all are a part of "SOCIAL" organizations

By: Um
by: last i checked   

Exactly, we are apart of a social organization. So be social and hang out with new people. This isn't high school anymore, they can hang out with whoever they want. Immature people like yourself can get mad but I get the feeling they really don't care.

By: last i checked

Well it does not look like it is corresponding to that this time.

By: @ um

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How the H3## do you know! Maybe some people just dont care for some of those top houses.

By: @ getaclue
by: areyoukidding   

Do you see the Taus trying to do anything socially with anyone below AXO? Ever? They act like dbags all year long and still expect to block with the top houses. Their social calendar with KD was non-existent till they couldn't get a top house to block with them. Figure it out.

By: areyoukidding

Since this is such a drastic change for them, the Taus might actually humble themselves and stop acting like dbags

By: Bump

It is just incredibly disrespectful to KD.

By: @ Bump

@ bump, they will NEVER stop acting like dbags because they ARE dbags. They'll still act like dbags when they are 80.

By: noway

Then Why the heck are they on top now and why have they been on top

By: @ noway
by: Simply   

because of legacy and history. But times are changing. There are a lot of houses with really cool guys who are moving up (i.e., SAE) and people are taking notice. When given the choice of socializing with dbags from a "king" frat or some really cool guys in a top frat, it's a no brainer for me. And if you watch, you'll see some of these Taus hanging more and more with guys from frats like Pike and SAE. Hmmm, wonder why. Unfortunately, that's not going to help them. At the end of the day, they are still Taus with the retauded mentality.

By: Simply

Yea but they are cool

By: Yea

SAE blew that fast
Taus have an unbelievable legacy with some of most respected and involved alums
their kids go to Illinois and they go Tau
They all do
some of them just seem like jerks but there are some great guys in that house

By: true
by: ya   

there are a whole two nice guys in ATO. Even though SAE is on social probation, they will still be better than Taus.

By: ya

ATO is a great house
stop bashing them

By: no
by: hahahaha   

@ no - said no one ever.

By: hahahaha
by: seriously   

stop with the hate.

By: seriously

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