


————————— Top —————————

1. Sigs (Most selective, great house and most girls consider them best looking. also have best event on campus with derby days)
2. Delts (kicked but still too in most ways, might be falling due to a ton of internal issues though but not yet. fall rush will determine everything)
3. SAE (Wildest guys lead to some of the greatest parties on campus and great sorority relations)
4. ATO (Great bar pull and high quality brothers with a great history. Menage was also their best party in a while. Would be higher if house wasn’t in a different world.)
5. Acacia (great parties (foam party was amazing), bar pull, and girls love ‘em, would be higher if wasn’t kicked off)

————————— Lower Top —————————

6. ZBT (maybe controversial but their sorority relations are very good and they’re just generally well liked with good pull and parties)
7. Pike (‘25 class is questionable but they only do socials with top sororities and house is fantastic with great bar pull, has potential to be top just need to recruit better)
————————— Upper Mid —————————
8. Phi Psi (brotherhood isn’t great and the allegations are rough but house is very good with fun parties and solid bar pull, a lot of sorority girls still like them)
9. FIJI (Underrated bar pull with quality brothers and great sorority relations, would be higher if house wasn’t awful)
10. Phi Delt (Honestly don’t hear much about them but they have very good bar pull and seem generally well liked. Just kinda irrelevant for some reason.)
11. Delta Chi (Underrated bar pull with some fun parties and decent srat relations, on the rise)
12. ASig (Stoner house but the parties can get super fun and the brothers are cool with solid bar pull and girls generally like them)

Discuss below but give your reasoning why if you disagree with something. Rush next semester is going to change these up a lot.

Posted By: Top10
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By: good

I’d say acacia ahead of sae, phi delt ahead of Fiji, and asigs ahead of dchi but otherwise very accurate

By: F
by: idk   

Nah they’re all interchange within tiers

By: idk
by: omo   

I thnk Dchi, Asig is really controversial. Asig has more chill and cool brother and solid brotherhood but dchi has more events and lil better sort relation. I was surprised that SNU wasn't on the list. When me and my buddies talk about upper mid frat, it's always become an arguement about Asig vs Dchi vs SNU

By: omo
by: Chadstein   

@omo are you a freshman? No one cares about rankings after the first year. And I can say I never talked about rankings with my brothers!

By: Chadstein
by: Yellow   

I agree that asig is ahead of dchi

By: Yellow

Pike is definitely lower the 25s are awful

By: Pike
by: Facts   

Agreed,'24 class was super small and they tried to make up for it by bidding every single pnm for the '25 resulting in a lot of creeps and hardos. Terrible class. Rest of rankings is really good though.

By: Facts

pike down gave bids out to parkland people not to mention their total creeps and in hot water w the school rn

By: hugh hefner
by: stumpy   

Why is PKA in hot water? Hazing?

By: stumpy
by: soop   

What's wrong with Parkland people is that they are not UofI students. If you didnt get in, go to ISU.

By: soop

Perfect if you put Pike down and get rid of Lower Top, below #5 is just upper mid.

By: perfect

Move down pike and move up phi psi

By: Frat jesus

bump, wtf is the other one lol

By: bump

merge lower top and upper mid

By: good

delts is falling apart, they'll be mid by next spring

By: delts

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by: triple fax   

How are they falling apart? Aside from status revoked that is.

By: triple fax
by: triple fax   

I see. Guess that makes sense with the hazing and getting kicked off. Some guys probably are resentful and/or disagree with policies.

I guess most houses have their ups and downs, maybe its just the pendulum swinging in another direction. I'm sure they will stay on campus in any case.

By: triple fax
by: nah   

yeah i doubt the oldest house on campus will fall off that easily, though if they actually lose their house it'll be rough

By: nah
by: Oskee Wow Wow   

Delts actually did not live in their house for a while back in the 1980's-90's I believe. FIJI lived in their house, while Delts lived in a frat house in Urbana, the one currently for rent on Ohio Street.

By: Oskee Wow Wow
by: Chief   

It was a little surprising that Delts managed to stay as successful as they did, with that house out in the middle of nowhere on Ohio St. I know the physical house shouldn't be a huge factor, but the whole "out of sight, out of mind" thing

By: Chief
by: tbh   

Honestly ATO should do the same thing and try to move like delts did in the 80s

By: tbh

Still the best one

By: Bump

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