
3.4 to 3.5


Give us a break GPhi you have a 3.5 with AEPhi and SDT. Theta DG and DDD have a 3.4
Do you seriously think that 3.4 is that much lower than 3.5???? And if 3.5 makes you a top house than the top tieris GPhi AEPhi and SDT
We agree you are right on par there

Posted By: grades
Page 1 of 1

Thank goodness someone finally called those fools out. Your 3.5 is not much higher than the top houses that have a 3.4. Those top houses also have more business majors than you so stop bragging about having a bunch of Agriculture majors

By: true

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Boy those GPhis get really excited about one point. We agree they should be in the same tier as the other 3.5's. GPhi AEPhi and SDT are in the same tier. Than the rest os the 3.4's can stick together bye now

By: burn

AEPHi has the highest AcTive GPA. It is 3.6 so get lost GPHI you are not the top house in grades

By: AEPhi

Actually, Gphi's GPA is nearly 3.6. It is 3.586. I So it is closer to .2 better than DG, which has a 3.4043. DG's GPA is fine, but there is a significant difference between 3.6 and 3.4. And Gphi has had top GPA for 3 semesters in a row. That is not fluke or accident.

By: Ha
by: seriously   

wow gphi you really need to be petted don't you

By: seriously
by: AEPhi   

AEPHi was still higher though
so you lied when you posted you were the top

By: AEPhi

Idiots! The important thing is that the discussion on ranking is about grades, which are important, instead of royalness or hotness which are not. It's not about who is .0001 from whom.

By: @above
by: What   

again the grades were all high and who knows how many blow off classes gphi takes

By: What

grades should be more important

By: grades

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