
the new queens


The truth is Theta DG and GPhi are the new QUEENS
tri delt is pathetic with their posting about their 17's
ddd 17's are an embarrassment of wild drunks

Posted By: queenie
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finally the real truth on here
ddd has been falling for years
from their 15's snap class to the character of the 17's
the 16's were the best out of those three classes by far

By: thanks

best post yet
agree gphi has surpasses ddd

By: best

KAT DG and GPhi have three of the nicest houses with great locations
DDD's house is not pretty at all and is in the dirty part of Champaign

By: houses

totes agree that Urbana is prime real estate
Champaign is a dive

By: totes

Stop talking about GPhi as a new queen. If anyone is taking over a spot (and I think it should be DG's spot, not DDD's) it should be AXO.

by: no   

you wish
it is GPhi Theta and DG who are blocking with the Kings
DDD is blocking with a lower tier frat

By: no

Ok, this queens thing is so old. Reading all these posts is literally like reading the script for mean girls where everyone wants to be the plastics. I mean queens? Really? And fighting this much over something so petty that when you leave U of I no one will care? What happened to being in a sorority for the girls not the rank..

By: Stop

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those three have the nicest house

By: better

One of the top reasons I picked my house was because of the location and the women I met there. Not because of what frat they blocked with. Any woman that defines herself by what frat she hangs out with is an insecure and pathetic girl. I hate when people post that because it makes you all look so pitiful. If that is a priority for the top houses it is pretty unfortunate.

By: @ better

The whole queen thing is dead because DG and DDD have started slipping leaving Theta alone at the top. No one wants to believe that any other house can be a queen, so the term is dying.

By: queens
by: top   

the top are
theta dg ddd
give it up already

By: top


By: @top

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