


Ok, let's be honest. This "queens" term really needs to end. Calling top tier houses top tier is one thing but queens? I mean, no other greek community calls their top houses queens. It's very high school-esque. We're not queens or that much better then anyone else. It's very immature. Let's just stick with top tier house. Drop the "queens" name.

Posted By: really
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Let's be real....there are P.L.E.N.T.Y of dorks, door knobs and all together awkward girls in more popular houses....and in the spirit of keeping this real...these are probably the girls that if lucky by legacy or by random luck or rushers, got into a more popular house but have to vice grip the term queen.
They were dorks in high school but now that the 'made it through rush' and by luck made it into a popular house they have the need and desire to finally be 'something' and thus insist on this super super Lame name. We have said it once, and it's worth repeating, NO ONE and absolutely no one who is normal and has had normal self worth refers to themselves as a 'queen' at 18-22 yrs old...especially smart girls like you all that actually got into the U of I.
We all know that if you did that in high school it would be ridiculed...and rightfully so, to refer to a group you belong to as a queen is PATHETIC and so incredibly junior high....
Be confident in where you are and actually enjoy rather than try and self promote....

By: Sororiety Girl..
by: GREEK   

we can spot you a mile away


I agree and I am in one of those houses.

By: @ by really

I am also in a top house and I completely agree! I hate hearing people call us that.

By: top

Maybe someone should notify certain frats to stop calling themselves kings and do away with the royal bar crawl. But let's face it, you will always have your boneheads who won't ever let go of that royal designation. In fact, these are the guys you'll see on the golf course 15 years from now wearing their royal bar crawl shirts underneath their golf polos. Truuuuu

By: okay
by: Majority   

I agree. There will always be those conceited jerks who continue it but that doesn't mean the majority of us Greeks, those who don't fall under that category can't drop the kings and queens thing. Stop using it on here, on campus, all together. Show people we're more mature then that. Obviously some area gang people won't stop it but if the majority if us do we've made a change.

By: Majority
by: @Majority   

I agree the majority of the Greek community is of sound, normal mind. Maybe you can spread the word to your fellow sorority sisters to stop feeding this whole king thing to these meat heads. Even when said in a sarcastic way, they take it as a compliment because it takes very little to stroke a simple-minded narcissist's ego and most are way too stupid to tell they're being made fun of anyway.

By: @Majority

The girls too. Most of the time they don't even realize that people are saying it in an ironic way. They're too airheaded to understand the subtleties of the label.

By: queens

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Maybe if we stop calling them queens they would stop gloating and strutting around like they are better than everyone.

By: @ queens

Right. Only drop the name QUEEN once DG is thrown out of the royal circle and AXO is invited in. That's hardly fair to AXO.

by: hahahaha   

axo you wish
it is probably actually gphitrying to make axo look like wannabees

By: hahahaha
by: agree   

yep it is gphi trying to make axo look like wannabees

By: agree
by: Wow..   

Seriously?! Come on no one is a queen and all this nonsense of calling girls that is ridiculous. This AXO taking DG'a spot is literally such high school talk.

By: Wow..
by: Top houses   

You're so immature you should go back to high school. Seriously. It's an childish name that means nothing. You're still a top house so who cares. Queen is just a name and one that is very high school at that. I mean, we're all over 18 right? We're in college right? So let's grow up. Really. No one is a queen. Stop acting like it and throwing a host fit. The name needs to go. It's immature and honestly we're way to old for these childish names. Grow up and stop acting like a kid.

By: Top houses

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