
top house


When you talk about the queens, no one ever mentions A CHi O. I think they're definitely up there and should be considered to be a queen. Especially if you're going to consider DG which I think is well below A Chi O.

Posted By: Alpha Chi Omega
Page 2 of 3

OK, I am an A Chi O and even though we don't like drama I'm a bit flattered that others here see us as a top house. We work really hard to be successful and I don't see anything wrong with my sisters and myself putting it out there that we are GREAT. I think every girl feels that way about her house - or should!!!


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by: ACHIO   

I agree that everyone should feel that way about their house. However, you have to be an idiot to think that an A Chi O would post this. Way too chill.

by: me   

I'm an AXO and I approved this message. The truth has nothing to do with being chill and you can't say I'm not an AXO.

By: me
by: AXO   

shut up

by: sad   

honey a lady nevers compliments herself just for kicks
let someone else compliment you
all this SELF-love is not attractive

By: sad

If you look at it this way, ACO is so far superior to DG it isn't even a question. ACO just traditionally isn't called a queen so that's why the DGs keep up the facade of top tier. But I agree the ACOs are chill and the DGs are on here all the time putting people down who say they're not top tier anymore. Sorry, DG. You've got some good girls, just not as many as the other 4 top houses.

by: nuts   

just delusional
axo is 6th behind alpha phi
not even sure how this train wreck got started

By: nuts

seriously what loser is trying to make it seem like axo is dissing dg
those two houses get along great

By: stop
by: axo   

AXO is not even in the same league as DG
great idea to post this if you wanted to make AXO look stupid

By: axo

gphi stop trying to stir up trouble

By: gphi
by: Actually   

My friends are DDD's and DG's, and they said girls from their sororities come on here all of the time to blame Gphi for things. They think it is funny, but I think it is kind of pitiful.

By: Actually
by: annoying   

It's annoying that they blame Gamma Phi for everything written on here that they don't agree with. It's ridiculous that anyone believes that Gamma Phis are responsible.

By: annoying

this is the stupidest post I have ever read

By: stupid

Okay I just read all the comment threads. I'm pleased to see that everyone knows it was not an axo that started this because we don't roll like that. (:
-Axo (again)

by: correct   

yes we are not one of the three queens
but we are tops of the next tier with GPHi

By: correct

Actually, I posted the original comment because I am an AXO and I do believe that we are a better house than DG and I do get annoyed when everyone refers to them as queens. I don't care about the girl that posted above me because she's doing it for show. Everyone in our house agrees about DG and is just to chicken to post on here.

By: Actually

So you get annoyed when everyone refers to them as queens but you think you should be referred to as queens! Excuse me I want to throw up. Your whole house should be embarrassed of you. Maybe that person was right who said your 17s are weird cause you sure are. I do agree with you that nobody should call anyone queen. Yuck

By: Oh please
by: AXO   

AXO = Queen

I don't care if you think they're replacing DG or DDD, but they're on top with Theta.

by: no   

AXO=delusional 2nd tier
no axo would never be in the same tier as theta dg or ddd

By: no

Love it!


I think that it's pretty funny that as soon as all of the gphi self promotion stopped the AXO started. What happened did you figure out that you made a mockery out of your house and looked like fools? Now you are trying to bring AXO down? You are very transparent Gphi.

By: @ Gphi

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