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by: Alpha Chi Omega

When you talk about the queens, no one ever mentions A CHi O. I think they're definitely up there and should be considered to be a queen. Especially if you're going to consider DG which I think is well below A Chi O.

Posted By: Alpha Chi Omega
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Page 1 of 3
#1  by: @ above   

Nice speech AXO You people usually keep a low profile why don't we keep it that way. Your sounding just like your social climbing counterpart Ghpi

By: @ above
by: bizarreJan 12, 2014 1:39:35 AM

um no

By: bizarre
#2  by: gphi...   

bet this was a gphi coming on here pretending to be an axo

By: gphi...
#3  by: You're delusional    

If you think a chi o is a queen. Have you seen your 17's? Talk about a group of weird randoms

By: You're delusional
by: noJan 9, 2014 9:01:46 PM

the axo 17s are wild and alot of them are really cute, def not cookie cutter sorority but a good looking mix of girls

By: no
by: no queens Jan 12, 2014 1:36:57 AM

axos are not queens
never have been never will be

By: no queens
#4  by: no, really!   

Really I do think that the A Chi Os are superior to the queens and this doesn't have anything to do with Gamma Phi. A Chi O is far superior to them too. I'm talking not only pretty, but smart and fun too. Plus we have a great sisterhood, which none of the queens do.

By: no, really!
#5  by: uhm hello idiots   

pretty positive it's just a guy that started this post so he could see the drama unfold. Like shut up, it's clearly just to start drama.

By: uhm hello idiots
#6  by: whatttt   

All these comments are so sad, get your heads out of your own asses and realize what's actually important in life

By: whatttt
#7  by: why   

why is this person trying to frame AXO and bring them into the drama that they have never EVER been involved in???

By: why
by: broJan 9, 2014 9:05:41 PM

you just answered your own question

By: bro
#8  by: For me   

I agree with the original post. I do think A Chi O is better than the queens. Sorry, just a fact. I don't know why people aren't allowed to have any opinion other than that all the queen sororities are superior to all the others. Maybe it's just on greekrank, but oh well.

By: For me
by: reasonJan 24, 2014 7:52:07 PM

because it is not true
just because you couldn't get in Theta DG or DDD
doesn't make your house better

By: reason
#9  by: me too   

I agree too. The A Chi Os are the prettiest of all the houses and by far the nicest. The DGs got a terrible new class this year and really don't deserve to be ahead of the A Chi Os anymore at all. I'm not going to say anything bad about the other queens, but I think A Chi O should be one.

By: me too
by: saidJan 24, 2014 7:50:30 PM

wrote the delusional AXO

By: said
#10  by: truth fairy   

I wanna be an A chi O BOOM BOOM

By: truth fairy

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