
rankings the way it should be....

by: Truth

As a member of a sorority on campus, it makes me sick when others rank each other. In four years what will any of it matter? You can't put on your resume you were in a middle tier or upper tier house. Below is how we should perceive the greek community. There is power in numbers if we just learn to get along.

Hasn't anyone ever watched "Revenge of the Nerds"? There is more of us than of you. The 1% of "Royalty" that have to self proclaim their status.

Every house= same level period.

Posted By: Truth
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#1  by: Why   

You obviously have a chip on your shoulder if you're wasting your time posting that

By: Why
by: ho hoJan 8, 2014 8:30:44 PM

You obviously are the type of person this post is about

By: ho ho
#2  by: c456   

Heartwarming speech but the major contributing factor in joining the greek community is exclusivity and status. It sets us apart from the rest when looking back on your college experience and in some cases what job openings come available to you after as you see it but this is the real world.

By: c456
#3  by: ha   

well someone's in a bottom tier house...

but really. sorry but life is a series of being ranked and compared to others and no one comes out on top every time. you're going to have to either learn to get over it and accept yourself where you're at or make the decision to work on improving yourself.

By: ha
by: btwJan 9, 2014 4:00:52 PM

I wouldn't even mention I was in a frat on any kind of job application, since most employers already know in what way that has enhanced your college experience and overall character; and most aren't interested in self-indulgent little pissants.

By: btw
by: @ haJan 10, 2014 8:53:24 AM

Well I hope that you enjoy being ranked in the real world. Let's just see how that goes for you. It's people like you who try to hold on to titles like " top House" that don't make it in the real world. Look at the attitude you have. Glad it works for you now. Good Luck and have fun being a tiny little fish in an enormous ocean. You will be dropping that arrogant attitude quickly when you get out of there. Enjoy it while you can.

By: @ ha
by: chiefJan 14, 2014 3:55:02 PM

@ well said. I am in a similar position and this is very wise advice.

By: chief
#4  by: this   

This is the thread every person should read before posting on this site

By: this
#5  by: yo   

by people's junior year they usually start figuring this out. Sadly, some never do until the real world.

By: yo
#6  by: true   

This site is run by freshmen and VERY immature alums -- mostly bored housewives who dream of their darling daughters pledging their royal houses. That's where the pressure comes to keeping up the old reps.

By: true
by: ForReal?Jan 10, 2014 7:03:47 AM

You have got to be a tau with all that chauvinism.

By: ForReal?
by: @ AboveJan 10, 2014 8:47:11 AM

Royal, There is nothing royal about them. We are the laughing stock of the greek community for even using that ridiculous term.

By: @ Above
#7  by: Inspirational   

I wish we could all get along like we used to in middle school. I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy...

By: Inspirational

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