
April 2021 Frat Ranks


Top: SAE, Delts, ATO, Sigs, Pike

Upper Mid: Fiji, Phi Psi, ZBT

Mid: Asig, Phi Delt, SNU, DChi

Lower Mid: PSK, AEPI, DU, Aggers, Theta Xi

Upper Bottom: KDR, Phi Tau, Kappa Sig, T Chi

Bottom: PKT, DKE, Triangle, Chi Psi, TKE, STG

Lower bottom: FarmHouse, SPD, Zeta Psi, OD, Beta Sig, AGS

Posted By: Ränker
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Shud up SNU

By: j


By: Right

Move SAE from top and its perfect

By: Yer

Asig down one

Tchi up one

Aggers down one

By: well

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by: Nah   

Asig down one - agree, they are roughly equal to DU, Aggers, and Theta Xi

Maybe move PSK down one, they are lower than the guys mentioned above.

Aggers - keep them there

TChi - keep them there. Actually, maybe even down one level. They are not that good, even if they are renting the nice ex-Sigma Kappa house.

By: Nah
by: Lol   

Chill TChi y’all aren’t like that

By: Lol
by: Bro   

Can't wait to prove y'all wrong. That's a fair point though - we have a ways to go.

By: Bro
by: Why   

Why are you on greekrank Tchi isn’t in the top 20 houses on campus, if you actually care about rank join any other house

By: Why
by: Shabba   

@Why - I don't even like Tchi, but they are not a bad house. They are not as popular or big as some, but I'm sure the guys have made some good friends and will be successfull in life.

That's a real Diik move telling them not to be here.

By: Shabba
by: Tchi   

Chill tf out lol get off of greekrank

By: Tchi
by: I’m just   

I’m just saying if you’re gonna gaf about your rank why join a house that bottom tier

By: I’m just
by: Fact   

Tchi went from 64 to 32 members in a semester. They are going down the drain

By: Fact
by: Bro   

Damn, it is comedy how worked up y'all get over this anonymous website

By: Bro


By: This

Snu smells like feet

By: J

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