
house rankings


Just my honest opinion.

Sig Chi
Theta Chi
Lambda Chi
Phi Delt
Theat Xi
Sigma Nu
Alpha Sigs
The rest aren't even worth mentioning

Tri Delt
G Phi
A Phi
Pi Phi

Posted By: gphi14
Page 2 of 4

HOW IS SIGEP NOT ON THE LIST?? why is theta xi, theta chi, phi delt on this list? Do you even go to u of i?

By: Akj

Dont compare yourselves to the top houses. You dont and never will compare GPB. That is why you are not a top house. You constantly come on here and show your true ugliness by saying such things about others . That is why those houses you mentioned every year get more and more beautiful girls because they do not want to be anything like you.They choose not to be in the top houses and this does not mean GPB, they are not top, Just have a rep for social crawling weirdos. If you didn't feel a threat you would not have to say such mean things. As for the frats go thank god those girls dont define themselves by men. That would be the true meaning of a sad sad insecure woman. Keep being a miserable GPB. And by the way some of the most gorgeous women I have seen on this campus are in middle houses and have you seen those Phi Sigma Sigmas? Every one I have seen stands out more than 95% of ya'll and they are bottom as of now.

By: @ Laughing Hard

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by: lol   

You're phi sigma sigma comment killed your credibility hahahahahaha.

By: lol

You all do know this is the Internet, right? Anybody can come on here, even a "queen", and pretend they are in another sorority in order to make that sorority look bad. And even if the person is who she claims, you do realize that every sorority, including your own, has a nasty person or two who do not represent the opinion of the group? I could call myself Theta16 and shred all "lower tier" sororities in order to make the some people here think Thetas are all horrible. It isn't complicated...grow up.

By: Suckers
by: @ Suckers   

Some people are too stupid to disguise who they are. In fact they are trying to hide it but if you are smart all you have to do is read through the lines. Take a look. They are trying to be crafty but are not very good at it.

By: @ Suckers

gphi just stop already

By: gphi stop

1. GPhi is it not obvious that absolutely no girls on campus can stand you. You're rude, ignorant, and a social climber. Sit down.
2. A Phi is known as boring this year.
so put AXO before GPhi, KD before A Phi (maybe Chi O my floor mates like them but who knows). and I think ADPi > AXiD

By: ugh

It is so true. All of it!

By: @ ugh

original op rank is spot on

By: yes

So True.


I'm appalled at the hatefulness and bullying that the DG's are stooping to. I am embarrassed that their comments about Gamma Phi are out in the open for others to see and judge us on. What a hateful bunch of girls!

By: @above
by: you wish   

seriously gphi...DG does not worry about your house ever
DG only worries about Theta and DDD during rush... because we all pref the same girls. But we like them...we just know we are competing with them for the same girls.

By: you wish
by: Like   

Like all of the other sororities, like, get our rejects. Like the we queens like, pref all of the best, and the other sororities, like, are just made up of our scraps, because like, there are only like 3 real like sororities. Like EVERY girl in the other sororities are only there because we didn't want them!

By: Like

WTF, why aren't Sig-Ep and FIJI aren't on this. They might not be kings and they might not haze, but from what I have seen, the girls love both of these Frats

By: ???

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