
gamma phi thinks they are top?


Why does Gphi think they are a queen house? I'm quite confused. Take a look at their 16s pledge class & tell me how they compare to Thetas, TriDelts, & DG overall. There are a few very pretty girls but the average gphi is plain.

Posted By: Sorority101
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no one cares.... really no one

By: honestly

yes you, are what is wrong with the greek community


seriously no one cares

By: 847

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Hate to tell you that there are pretty girls in all of the houses and not so pretty ones in the top houses. THere is nothing that makes those 3 queen houses stand out more than anyone else. It makes me sick to read this. We are the only school that even uses that term QUEEN. It is a joke to most schools as it should be.

By: U R A Joke
by: agree   

with you one hundred percent. Schools in the south don't even label themselves as "queens" or "royalty" and the south is where greek life originated. Like this is legitimately so irritating and I find it embarrassing that people would even feel comfortable wearing shirts that say royalty on them. Absolutely disgusting.

By: agree

They are the ones that should be embarrassed everyone is making fun of them while they are running around in those shirts, they are believing in their delusional minds that it really means something. SOOO SOOO pathetic. Like someone said a true embarrassment to our school and themselves. Much respect for all of the other houses that don't behave in this manner. And wouldn't

By: @ agree

i was thinking the same thing. that one bar crawl with ato and dg was a joke. never saw bigger bunch of airheads and douchebags

By: pikegirl

Funny That you mention that, one of the girls that was wearing one of those shirts rushed as her second year. Would you like to know why? She got rejected from every house at u of I the year before and now she is a DG. Just goes to say , it all depends on the day and who you end up talking to. All i am saying is NO One wanted her the year before and now all of a sudden she is royalty.

By: @pikegirl

Looks like the Gamma Phis saw this and went nuts.
UIUC is so much nicer than the southern schools.
Do you have an idea how hard a SEC recruitment is?
And they have their "names" ~University of Alabama uses the term "Old Row" instead of "Queens". Georgia, Texas, Old Miss ~ they are in a whole different realm of hierarchy.
Just google SEC recruitment and get a clue. Illinois is a cake walk compared to them.
Comment #7 was completely classless naming a certain fraternity and sorority and calling them airheads and douchebags. Seriously what lady uses the word douchebags...you sound like a 15 year old boy who just learned some stupid words that no one ever actually uses. I've never used that word in my life and I don't know anyone else that does. And you wonder why everyone gives GPhi a hard time. Rather than ignore the comment, you all go nuts and then super slam the top houses while spouting completely incorrect facts about the SEC Greek system. You sound very angry, jealous and vindictive in your rants. Half this board is covered in posts about you and 2 other houses that bash the top houses on a regular basis to try and make yourself better.
Just be better and stop trying so hard. Your house is top 5 ~ everyone knows this but you constantly bring up the 3 Queens. And sorry but they are called the 3 Queens, just like Alabama has Old Row vs New Row. First question, are you in an Old Row or New Row House?

By: chill out GPhis

no one cares.

By: 90

Old Row has a much different connotation than Queen. We are in American are we not? And we remain a democratic society for a reason. Adopting terms like that is just ignorant. I love when people use the cop out the someone is "Jealous"when they are giving their opinions and you don't seem to like it. It seem as if many people feel the same way,.Oh and i am not a Gphi either and I am sure many of those other comments came from others aside from them. Get off your High Horse. IT is very unbecoming. Thee that protest too much. Remember that famous line. Think about it

By: Must agree
by: what?   

That was so stupid and an very lame attempt at trying to sound academic.
How you got into Illinois is beyond me.

By: what?

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