
what's your opinion of sig eps?


Most of the Greek guys I've talked to have said to ask girl-friends in sororities about their opinions on houses before rushing them. I'm a GDI right now only because I've had to come home every weekend to deal with family matters, but this semester I will finally be free. I liked a lot of the Sig Eps guys I met during Fall Rush and a) want to know if they do Spring Rush, and b) what girls' opinions of them are.

No matter how cool the guys are, nobody wants to join a Fraternity if they don't have a good reputation. I was also thinking about rushing Delta Chi and SAE, what are some opinions of them?

Thanks a lot!

Posted By: Raul
Page 1 of 3

of all three you mentioned, SAE is probably the 'best' in terms of their reputation around campus, who they block with (tri delt for fall 2013) and their social calendars. that being said, neither phi delt or sig ep are by any means bad houses, they're both solid in terms of their reputations and social caldendars. personally i like sig eps a little better, but i hav had exchanges and events with all three of these houses and like hanging out with all of them.

By: sororitygirl

sig eps is basically a sorority

By: truth
by: national ifc?   

double-u double-u double-u dot sigep.org/news/soundbite/SoundBiteMay11-Illinois.html

didn't believe this til i saw it. a buddy in their house told me about this. one of three chapters for all frats nationally that got the top award or sumtin from national IFC. what the hell is national ifc? damn big government.

By: national ifc?

sig eps have that good reputation that they wiull be the guys that will walk girls home and eont try to molest them or force them in their room like a lot of other frat guys want to do. they have a very solid social calendar every year and it's the other frats that think they are a sorority. the girls love sig eps.

By: illiniforlife

sounds like a bunch of lightweights who can't close

By: ha

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sig eps is a good sorority, hot girls who have no problem with going down

By: Yee

If you want to join a fraternity go with SAE or DChi, sig ep is a social club. Out of the 3 SAE has the best reputation, but DChi is a solid house and had a good fall rush, on the rise.

By: Bud

Sig eps are good guys. Good friends not douches. Girls in all houses like them

By: Good guys

The friend-zone frat

By: Actually

No respect from any other frat

By: For real though

Beta alum '09 just browsing this site for the memories, must say things have to be going pretty downhill at my alma mater when half the threads on here between fraternities are negative to each other...just because SPE doesn't have "traditional" pledgeship doesn't make them any less of a house. My two best friends outside of Beta when I graduated were SPE's and they were tougher SOBs than anyone who actually takes comments on here seriously. Grow up kids, if anything, direct your insults to geeds.

By: Beta
by: 3   

you know what i think you're onto something here

By: 3
by: Yes   

I second that motion.

By: Yes
by: Alum as well   

I was doing the same. remember the good old juicy campus / college acb days? anyways, life sucks after college. don't waste your time worrying about this stuff. guys in other houses will become your good friends after college , if they aren't already by the time you graduate. your fraternity in the working world are other u of i grads, especially those in the greek system and greeks from other schools. noone cares what house. they just like reminiscing on the good ole days. now get your ass back in Kams.

By: Alum as well

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