

by: lexi456

What are the real sorority rankings of houses here? Top/middle/bottom tier?

Posted By: lexi456
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Page 5 of 9
#41  by: what?   

does anybody know how many different frats Aopi has events with each year? and if so, which ones?

By: what?
#42  by: True ratings now   

Tier 1: DG, Theta, Tridelt
Tier 2: Gphi, AXO
Tier 3: Aphi, KD, ChiO
Tier 4: ADPi, AGD, PiPhi, AXiD, KKG
Tier 5: DZ, SDT, AOPi
Tier 6: SK, AEPhi

By: True ratings now
#43  by: Do It on Block   

Frats want to block with the best.

Theta - Pike, GAMMA Phi - ATO
A Phi - Eep XO- Phi Delt

The rest of the houses don't matter. They are blocking with random frats that no one cares about.

By: Do It on Block
#44  by: what...   

Are you putting Phi Delts with the rest of those houses? Phi Delts sucks. Random frat for sure.

and last year Chi-o's blocked with AGR. This year AGR are blocking with AOpi.

By: what...
by: ddd Jan 31, 2013 10:35:38 PM

I wouldn't put Acacia with that list either

By: ddd
by: Honest RankingsAug 16, 2013 10:47:48 AM

Phi Delts blocked with KD and Aphi in the past years and they have exchanges and events with only good houses, so they're one of the top 8 houses on campus for sure

By: Honest Rankings
#45  by: real true   

This is the real true rankings. No particular order.

1. Dg, tri delta, thetas
2. Axo, gphi, aphi
3. Kd, Chio, kappa,
4. Agd, piphi, adpi, AXiD,SDT
5. dz,AOpi, Aephi
6. sk

By: real true
#46  by: @ ratings   

if Pi Phi does spring rush they are smarter than any aforementioned house. Number 4 for grades last semester. WoW that should count for something. Hindsdale reject? Wow those Hinsdale queen rejects are pretty damn smart more than we can say for most of you. Lets Look at the real picture here instead of the one that you are painting. Sorry if I missed anyone.

By: @ ratings
#47  by: be real   

It really hasn't changed since November 2012....Why do people think they've changed so much in a few months? They haven't but people are judging some of them based on who the girls choose to block with. IT's stupid, because the top frats aren't always the ones the girls like anyway. The following list is, and will be, the real reputation list. The above comments by @ ratings are not valid. It's stupid to say noone likes Gphi...they were very popular during rush. The theta girls, like every other house has some pretty and some not so pretty. KKG is NOT going down..It was also very popular during rush, and a lot of tears by girls who they dropped. DG's are fine too. For the girls going thru rush, look at this list. I am not in a queen house, but a good house, and I have friends in every house, and this is the basic consensus.

1. theta
2.delta gamma
3. tridelt
4. Gamma Phi
5. A Chi O
6. Alpha Phi
7. Kappa Delta
8. KKG
9.Chi O
10. ADPi
12. Pi Phi
13. AXiD
15. SDT
16. AOPi
17. AEPhi
18. Sigma Kappa

By: be real
by: seriouslyFeb 9, 2013 12:40:41 AM

you are clearly an alpha phi ...if anything kappa delta belongs in the top not aphi

By: seriously
#48  by: @ be real   

I think @ ratings was trying to defend what # 50 said about some houses and was trying to be real . That was the point. Go back and read that. She said some pretty mean things that were untrue about a lot of houses .She was responding to that. As for your comment about KKg I am sure there were tears from girls that got dropped from DZ and Sk as well as KKG and others. Some of the most gorgeous girls I have seen are not in top houses and some of the most homely Are in top houses, lets face it we all know that is the case and we have all seen plenty of examples of it. Lets not get on our high horse because we are a theta and not an sk. If you had talked to a different person or it had been a different day things could have been much different. I have also seen girls rejected from all houses that went out for rush 2nd year and ended up in top houses. It is a fact. What house you are in or what frats you socialize with does not define how you rate as a human being in looks brains, personality or anything else. All houses are diverse and should stick together as greeks. Saying mean and disparaging things about your fellow greeks is only going to make others defensive. It is only human nature. # one is as good as # 18. Like to see what number they all end up in 20 years, in life.

By: @ be real
#49  by: be real   

@ be real. You are awesome! True comment for sure.

By: be real
#50  by: Seriously   

The same as it is every year
The 3 Queens are DG. Theta, Tri Delt
Then a lot of very good houses girls just get hung up on these 3

By: Seriously

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