University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign - UIUC Discussion

Page 627 of 655
ha By: Ha   Last Post:

Which frat is AKAK stand for?...Read More

By: Ha   Last Post:

Started: Mar 29, 2014 5:48:13 PM
best of the worst By: Quack   Last Post:

Which fraternity is: 1. Least campus involvement 2. worst parties 3. creepiest 4. douchiest 5....Read More

By: Quack   Last Post:

Started: Apr 5, 2014 9:14:37 PM
blockblockblock By: JustCurious   Last Post:

WHERE is everyone blocking next semester?...Read More

By: JustCurious   Last Post:

Started: Apr 4, 2014 1:25:34 PM
multicultural fraternities? By: bluebird   Last Post:

Which frats appear most welcoming to other races/creeds? Are there any...Read More

By: bluebird   Last Post:

Started: Apr 3, 2014 8:23:46 PM
merg By: ..greb   Last Post:

pike sae sigma chi ato delta tau delta acacia sig ep phi delta theta lambda chi alpha zbt phi psi sammies delta...Read More

By: ..greb   Last Post:

Started: Mar 27, 2014 11:16:57 PM
↓ Posts Continued Below ↓
monarchy By: 21st century   Last Post:

Please don't post any more about kings and queens. Those...Read More

By: 21st century   Last Post:

Started: Mar 29, 2014 11:34:56 PM
theta block By: Ddd   Last Post:

Who are they blocking with now?...Read More

By: Ddd   Last Post:

Started: Apr 1, 2014 2:42:12 AM
tke? By: Transfer   Last Post:

Hi, I'm a tke transferring to uiuc. how are they...Read More

By: Transfer   Last Post:

Started: Mar 27, 2014 1:57:45 PM
stereotypes By: stereotypes   Last Post:

stereotypes of top tier sororities ...Read More

By: stereotypes   Last Post:

Started: Mar 29, 2014 12:21:57 PM
adpi?? confusion By: ADPi????   Last Post:

seriously what is with the random posts claiming ADPi is...Read More

By: ADPi????   Last Post:

Started: Mar 27, 2014 6:58:09 PM
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