
Sorority Rush Process


How does voting work for sororities at SMU? Is it true that sororities can only vote on you if they know you?

Posted By: voting
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It varies from house to house. You shouldn’t concern yourself with this because you’ll just drive yourself crazy. The only thing that you can control is yourself. Keep an open mind and let the process play out.

By: ?
by: voting   

I just want to make sure I keep my options open and am aware of how the process works. I heard it's very common at smu for a lot of girls to be dropped from sororities and that a lot of it is connections-based. I hope to maximize my chances and have no regrets.

By: voting
by: Lots to know   

It's not quite true what you are asking "Is it true that sororities can only vote on you if they know you?"
First of all, every sorority chapter has it's own voting process as dictated by their nationals, there's no SMU way of doing things, and chapter members only know how their sorority does it not how other sororities do it. But they are all fair and all sororities rank every pnm from round to round.
What you are probably actually talking about is that in early rounds, for some sororities, members only vote on the pnm's they were assigned to talk to. Every pnm meets the same number of actives in a round so it's not a bad way to do it. In others, all members rank all pnm's, but the members who met a pnm will give their opinions and then everyone makes her own ranking (respected chapter members get listened to).
You can't do a thing about how a chapter votes on their pnm's.
Another thing to consider is that connections rule. 60% of students come from in-state and that means that pnm's coming from Texas schools and hometowns will already have friends in the chapters. There are also similar pockets from Atlanta, other Southern cities, Cali, Florida, and a couple of other areas. Sorority members are ALWAYS going to prefer the girls they know over those they don't, no matter how high the GPA or stellar the resume. Don't worry about something you can't do anything about, but do get recommendations for every chapter because it will hurt you to not have them. It won't help to have them, but it will hurt if you don't, if that makes sense.
Grade cuts come during the first round and can be brutal. You have good grades? Well so does everyone else. Ditto for your great resume. You're in a different peer group now where everyone's special.
Another thing for you to know is that every chapter is given a limit by panhellenic of how many pnm's they can invite back each round, and they can't go even one over that number. That means that houses that are very desired, especially among the Texas girls, will have more pnm's wanting to return to them than they can invite back, and so their cuts are heavier. They could have liked you a lot but they have a cut-off. It's a numbers game.
When a chapter does not invite you back, it is not personal and it doesn't mean they didn't like you, or that they thought you were unworthy, or that they wouldn't want to be your friend. Rush is a numbers game. If you feel that you made a real connection with someone who was rushing you, it's probably true and she loved you back, but if you get released from that sorority, understand that she is only one vote within her chapter. You have no idea what is going on in chapter voting and the effort that members put into pulling for their favorites. You might have just missed their cutoff. It is a chapter decision, but know that there are probably some members in tears over losing you.
Finally, there are no bad chapters at SMU. You are not better than the members in any house.

By: Lots to know
by: Question   

How come they dirty rush so much if it’s considered a fair process? If it was fair then they wouldn’t dirty rush girls, they’d just wait until they get there. I get that people may already have friends but rushing new girls over the summer is so unfair because some girls go to smu and want to join a sorority to make friends and have fun but can’t get in due to lack of connections (as they mainly recruit friends or pre-rushed girls). And it’s not fair for pnms to join a sorority they don’t connect with at all since they have no shot at some of the mid and top sororities without preexisting connections.

By: Question
by: mental baggage   

The vast majority of any 'dirty rushing' was happening fall semester. Not having recruitment until January was a big part of the problem. Switching to fall recruitment is a big step forward for pnm's and the entire sorority system. Attitudes have been adjusting already and it's great to see. It's not "fair" for pnm's to pre-judge over 200 women in any sorority chapter without having met any members. There are 'top' girls, gorgeous, smart, sweet and fun, in every house, and there are 'bottom' girls in every house too. You will see that if you're not blinded by letters. SMU sororities are all made up of the best girls here. If you "don't connect" with girls in any group of that size then it's a you problem. If you focus on the chapters that actually want you for their sisterhood and give them a chance, you will have an amazing sorority life, so don't blow it. If you really are a 'top' girl then no letters will make you less beautiful or smart or gracious, and also no letters will make up for what you don't have. Don't let strangers screw up your rush for you with their own mental baggage.

By: mental baggage

Newly ShOcKeD GDIs upcoming reality: 😧

Newly ShOcKeD GDIs 😵,

Tonight 😞 the newly sHoCkEd GDI must call her parents with the bad news. After her parents paid $50 grand for another SMU semester, she has to tell them about being cut from the sorority/s she wanted to join. This is after during the holidays, telling them about how these top sororities expressed great interest in her.

Her mom 🤦🏻‍♀️ did not tell her about the numerous weekends she had to donate, her time, labor and contributions to various causes to secure the numerous RECs required for SMU recruitment. Her mom still has 4-5 more weekends of commitments to these "legacy moms" for their RECs. A great emotional and financial los$ to this GDI and her family.

Being a GDI/Geed social outcast in such a Greek life socially dominated exorbitantly expensive university is impossible to validate. 🥺

By: 👻Past ShOcKeD GDI 😵
by: 👻Past ShOcKeD GDI 😵   

SMU GDI Crisis Office 😵

There is a large number of newly ShOcKeD GDIs in our dormitory this week. Several hundred of us. We are sHoCkEd, angry, depressed and resentful to the university and especially panHELLenic. 😨

Given it's long history for deceiving young freshmen PNM girls, the university and panHELLenic 👿 should immediately open a Newly ShOcKeD GDI Crisis Office to assist these emotionally harmed girls. 🛏

By: 👻Past ShOcKeD GDI 😵

I suspect that every PNM wants to maximize their options and have no regrets. Make no mistake-SMU rush is brutal. And just because you are meeting sisters in the houses does not necessarily mean that you are leaving them with a positive impression. Connections are important- more so at Kappa than anywhere else. But, you don’t need connections to get a top house at SMU. It helps, but it’s not impossible to get a top house without them. You won’t be rushing for another six months and a lot can happen between now and then. Try not to overthink it. You could have a ton of rush dates pre-rush and get dropped by the house that has been taking you on these dates first round. Try not to read into things. And keep yourself grounded -anything can happen.

By: ………

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by: almost   

You don't need a 'top' house you need a sisterhood that will lift you up. More pnm's are coming from out of state every year and looking more objectively at what each house has to offer and especially at the members of each house. Less and less do they care about kappa or pi phi because they don't need the in-state recognition for those particular letters. Pnm's are considering qualities like the personalities of the members they meet and how they are treated by them, academics, leadership, and accomplishments, and how the members interact with each other.

By: almost

I agree, as SMU raises in the ranks academically, becomes more difficult to get into and more appealing to out of state girls, I think things will change. These girls are coming from top academic high schools and are looking for like minded girls. They didn't grow up in the HP mindset.

By: out of state

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