
DG Spring COB so far


DG has added 7 girls in COB so far this semester.

Posted By: Cob
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Sororities are smart to COB in spring because they can fill spots opened from December graduations and pick up some great girls who either fell through the cracks during recruitment or who didn't rush at all. COB is a great chance to join a sorority because formal recruitment is almost impossible for non-freshmen without a separate quota for them like at other schools (how about it Panhellenic?).

By: Good

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by: Nah   

The majority of girls that got a COB went through rush and dropped.

By: Nah
by: Quota   

I thought there is a separate quota for sophomores with freshmen? Aren’t sororities supposed to take a certain amount of non freshmen each year?

By: Quota
by: ^   

No, Quota means it's the maximum they can take, not a 'have to' take. Sororities are far more focused on freshmen but will take a non-fresh they absolutely love.

By: ^

More COB activity to come- info session this week you can expect AXO, ADPI and DG to be participating. Excellent chance for PNM’s who dropped or didn’t get the houses they wanted to keep an open mind and check out these growing houses.

By: Cob at SMU
by: yep   

Girls who dropped rush because they thought they only wanted certain letters are now seeing the sororities irl. Now they want a bid after meeting members in class and dorms and out at parties. Been hearing a lot of buzz lately.

By: yep
by: buzz   

'Yep', what kind of buzz?

By: buzz
by: COB at SMU - Think Again!   

COB at SMU? Nah, it’s literally just girls picking their friends--not even a legit process. 💀 Like, does anyone actually know how many COBs ADPi or AXO added? Even their own members seem clueless.

At least DG had the nerve to post their new COBs, but guess what? They never even told their own members they were doing it. They ran it over Christmas break with a tiny group of girls controlling the whole thing. Then they showed up at the Panhellenic meeting acting like they were "full." 🧐 Talk about shady.

If you look too closely, you'll see it’s just them picking the same girls who didn’t make it during rush. And don’t even ask about what went down— word is they gave their own members a FAKE PNM list while keeping a secret list of girls they actually wanted. 🙃 Sketchy on every level. Integrity? Never heard of it.

Yeah, DG added freshman COBs--but only the ones this tiny group of girls approved, not the ones the chapter actually wanted. Sophomores? Nope. That would be wayyy too progressive for them. 😬

And ADPi/AXO? Does anyone even know what’s going on with them? Are they offering bids to freshmen and sophomores or just going with the same old exclusivity? Time will tell. But if you're a PNM hoping for COB, don’t get your hopes up --the system is rigged. 😶‍🌫️💅

By: COB at SMU - Think Again!

So, DG legit picked their COBs and threw a party for them BEFORE the Panhellenic meeting and then said they were full! Yeah, that’s super shady. It’s like a small clique of girls controlling EVERYTHING. Same vibe during rush—members were rushing their own friends, and shocker, they all got dropped. But here’s the thing: if you only take freshman, how are you gonna have enough upperclassmen to actually run the chapter? Makes no sense.

By: COB - Shady
by: Hmmmmm   

That house is not known for following panhel rules….-and they’re still low regardless

By: Hmmmmm

For sure, it’s super sus! DG slides by because no one’s gonna step up and call out the higher-ups. I’ve heard about girls who were rushing DG, got dropped, and some of them were literally besties or roommates with members. That’s honestly wild and shows just how crazy and lowkey toxic DG’s system is if they are cutting people like that. The whole anti-sophomore thing is so cringe. Def gonna be interesting to see if ADPi or AXO start leveling up ‘cause DG’s whole vibe is shady. Someone better step it up and make moves and pull in more girls before DG keeps running things.

By: COB - Sus
by: Lol   

DG runs nothing….

By: Lol

Because some bitter girl is commenting with a bunch of lies saying "word is" and "never told their own members" and "sketchy", here is the truth about how COB works for EVERY sorority:
- Continuous Open Bidding can happen at any time after Bid Day for any eligible chapter. An eligible chapter is one with membership below whatever panhellenic has set Chapter Total at, meaning the maximum number of members allowed for any chapter. A chapter under Total can offer bids and take new members up to whatever Total is.
December graduations are a big reason that spots open up within a chapter.
- Eligible chapters don't have to make a public announcement that they are offering bids or have to tell panhellenic ahead of time, they just offer them and then register their new members. No one would know that chapters have offered a few COB's unless they were actually in the chapter or in panhellenic, but if a sorority wants to welcome their new members publicly that's up to them and a nice thing to do. It is entirely up to the chapter as to when and how and to whom they COB.
- Established chapters always have a list of girls they are interested in offering COB to. These are girls they liked during recruitment who didn't sign a card, or girls they have met around campus they have gotten to know. There are usually more girls on their list than they have openings for. These chapters are not actively recruiting to meet new girls because they already have a waitlist, therefore they don't publicly announce COB, it would be misleading.
- A chapter that has a lot of openings will sometimes make an announcement and/or hold some events, but not always. A chapter being newly established might do this but will also be very picky and choose quality over quantity, a good strategy for the long game.
- Every chapter has to vote on COB's and there must be a quorum as per their chapter by-laws to offer any bid. There are no surprises in the chapter about who is being offered a bid, only about whether they accept or decline.
- And finally, no sorority member has to explain to any outsider about how or why they vote or rank in this process, and when asked they will tell you they don't know because it's easier for them to say that to shut you up. Sorry you are so bitter about not being included in anyone's COB but your comments on here show everyone exactly why. Every chapter obviously dodged a bullet.

By: COB truth instead of lies
by: cob - believe or not   

You can throw out the rules all you want, but according to a lot of people here, not every chapter actually follows them. You’re just hiding behind the rule book and assuming the person speaking up is bitter. Maybe instead of trying to tear someone down for sharing their experience, you could actually listen and be better about it. I’m over seeing people get shut down or bullied just because the ‘truth’ doesn’t fit in with what others want to hear. Nice try, but if you’re only gonna spit rules, that doesn’t solve anything. Maybe actually read some of the feedback and learn from it instead of hiding behind the 'official' version of things.

You’re also assuming they rushed. Maybe they dodged a bullet by not getting involved in the first place, but that doesn’t mean their perspective isn’t valid. People can have issues with the process, even if they weren’t part of it. Everyone’s experience is different, and just because it doesn’t fit your narrative doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Honestly, just grow up.

By: cob - believe or not
by: ^   

We can see that you're the same person commenting over and over, upvoting your comments and downvoting the one you don't like. You need some mental health counseling.

By: ^

Throwing shade at someone just because they think differently is mad petty and honestly says you need to work on your argument skills. Assuming all the downvotes are from one person instead of maybe, I don’t know, your weak reply? That’s a whole vibe check fail. Also, mental health isn’t a joke or something to weaponize as an insult. This is supposed to be a discussion board, not a place for low-key bullying. Looks like you’re missing the emotional maturity to have a real, grown-up conversation.

By: Fact Check

There is nothing so entertaining as greekrank. The imaginary scenarios these unhinged girls come up with for not getting a bid and the absolute rage against the sororities is disturbing and hilarious at the same time. Look in the mirror, do some self-reflection, get a life. Nobody on here cares about your not getting a bid.

By: Wow

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