Rerushing in the fall
by: helloHi, I'm a freshmen at smu and want to rerush in the fall. I wanted to know how I can get on certain sororities' radar and be "dirty rushed" by them before the next recruitment starts? I've had a difficult time finding my people due to rush being moved up to the fall and really want to be part of greek life. I have a few sororities in mind that I think I'd fit in, but how do I meet these sorority girls and let them know that I want to join their sorority? Please share any advice or your experience with being rushed by sororities before formal recruitment started!
#1by: Honestly
Tbh I’d manage your expectations. Re-rushing almost never turns out any better than the first time. Especially if you dropped out bc you thought your choices weren’t good enough. The houses will remember and it will be hard to overcome. SMU sororities do not have set aside spots for non freshmen. Financially, the houses want girls that will be paying dues for four years, not three.
Best of luck but be open to the houses that liked you back the first time.
#2by: COB
A redo of formal recruitment is not going to go any better for you at chapters that released you the first time. There is no upperclassmen quota and freshmen will get the spots. Reset your expectations and be more open minded to ALL the chapters, there are beautiful sweet fun girls in all of them.
- You could get a bid now through COB. Continuous Open Bidding means any chapter that is under the established membership total for sororities can offer some bids to get up to that number. You need to contact panhellenic to see which chapters are open to COB and you can reach out to the membership chair or president to tell them you are interested. Certain sororities already know who they want to COB, if any at all, so you need to be open minded.
- If you don't know how to meet sorority members and befriend them already from your classes, your dorm, friends who have sorority friends, fraternity guys who always know sorority girls, then we don't know what to tell you.
- A word about "Dirty Rushing". Well it's not dirty, it's just what disgruntled pnm's say. You need to understand that certain sororities and fraternities already know many of the incoming freshmen, or know of them, through having active members that went to certain high schools, both in state and all around. Of course they are going to prefer people they already know and went to school with, or the ones their friends went to school with. There's nothing dirty about it. People get pi$$ed about it when it gives others an edge over them for a bid, but that's the way it is. Fall recruitment cuts down on the extent of actual "dirty rushing". Finally.
#3by: No T at the moment?
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by: hello
I thought there was a quota for sophomores? I feel like I didn’t get the chance to make myself known and be on the sororities’ radar. I think it didn’t work out for me because they just didn’t know me and I prob didn’t have anyone pulling for me. Also I feel like a lot of freshmen will rerush in the fall since it was so crazy this year.