
Thoughts on ADPI?


What’s everyone’s opinion on ADPI? I know they’re a new sorority but feel like they have a rep of “leftovers”

Posted By: ok
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There are no “leftovers” at SMU, there’s been too few houses for years and now there’s a new one so hopefully more girls can find their home during recruitment. The girls ADPi got last year are very cute, well rounded, and seem happy so far so they’re off to a good start.

by: Unfortunately...   

I agree with what you said, but unfortunately SMU has one of the most toxic Greek cultures of any major university.

Hopefully the move to fall recruitment will help, but given the homogeneous profile of most of the usual incoming freshman classes (especially the Texas girls, and PARTICULARLY the Dallas girls) it will be hard to get a more robust sorority system.

Background: I am alum from 2019, currently in grad school at a large state university, also in Texas. I have had little alum involvement, but hope to do so after I finish grad school. I was not PKT, but next level down in the "rankings" according to this site.

I was very sad when I heard Gamma Phi closed, as they had some sweet girls I knew and a long history at SMU. Unfortunately I think that will happen again to either ADPi, AXO, or DG, as the mean girls (and mean frat boys) find another scapegoat to socially ostracize and plump up their bully ego.

I don't even know what to think of "The Society" situation. I had several good Theta friends and they are universally disgusted. Sounds like a concentrated mean girls club.

I got on here today because I have a little down time for once, and I thought I would see what is going on with SMU greek life, since everyone I knew is graduated or transferred.

I wish ADPi the best. I certainly hope the culture there changes to allow them to thrive in the future.

By: Unfortunately...

I went through recruitment last year and had adpi and another sorority considered one of the top ones at pref. i had such a hard time deciding what order to put them in. i ultimately did the dumb thing and went with the higher ranked one. i say it was dumb because i know now that adpi prob would have been the better fit.

By: idk
by: Lying ADPi's   

Stupid lying idiot ADPi's. ADPi did not do formal recruitment last year, they only colonized after recruitment was over, so this was impossible. This is a very bad look ADPi.

By: Lying ADPi's
by: Chill   

Chill out it sounds like a dance mom not an active. They would know that.

By: Chill

Correct! Adpi did recruitment after formal recruitment and took all the girls that got dropped from every house which is embarrassing!

By: Kappa
by: Nasty   

Ok Kappa give it a rest. ADPI has great girls.

By: Nasty

Most the girls I know in ADPI are the ones who dropped rush after they did not get top houses, and thought they were too good for AXO or DG. They have a couple of weird girls, but they're nowhere as bad as GPhi was. They're gonna be on the bottom (cause they're new), but they have a good chance to sweep after rush this fall.

By: honesty

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They are too new for any real opinion yet.

By: Boom boom

Too early to tell

By: Nah!

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