
New Sigma Chi House Facade 🏛


Sigma Chi PC Members! 😺

Sigma Chi members, you should dedicate your energy this upcoming year to the Chapter house facade renovation project. 🏛

Renovate the Sigma Chi chapter house 🏛 temporary front door porch to a facade this year. It is time guys. 🙄

It has been over 40 years without a proper campus matching facade. Tear down that old temporary Chapter house front door porch & replace it with a permanent campus matching Georgian style 3 story portico porch facade with wide columns, wider roof trim and outside accenting window shutters. 🏛

That widely seen corner Chapter house really needs renovations. It can only help your chapter. Let's make it this year's Sigma Chi Project! 😃

Call, e-mail, text, IM or snap your officer chairs with your excitement over this necessary project. 🏛

Let's get mov'n ! 😽

Posted By: 😎 Frat Cat
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Hey y'all, 🤠

Let's avoid another lame year & try to complete the Sigma Chi Chapter House Facade renovation this year. Best constructive idea for the upcoming year!

By: Lame Year Avoidance 😉

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by: Greek Row 🏛   

All Greek members especially the sororities would like to see the Sigma Chi Chapter house finally completed with a renovated front facade. The current temporary one has been in place for over 40 years. It does not match our beautiful Georgian style campus of their large building. Guys, it is an eye soar for the campus. 🙄

We acknowledge Sigma Chi has one of the largest alumni associations in the DFW area and nationally. Getting an alumni or alumni associated contractor to build and complete your Chapter house this year at a reasonable rate should not be a problem. 🤠

It is time to elevate your chapter house to our campus standard. Tear down that old odd looking temporary Chapter house front door porch & replace it with a permanent campus matching Georgian style 3 story portico centered porch facade with wide columns, wider roof trim and outside accenting window shutters. 🏛

Your corner Chapter house 🏛 is the most widely seen Greek house on campus. It really needs renovations. 🤭

By: Greek Row 🏛
by: Greek Row 🏛   

Sigma Chi being a top Chapter, their house needs a (3) three story front facade similar to Dallas Hall 🏛. It should be a Georgian style front centered portico porch to cover the middle (5) five windows, with no less than (6) six wide columns across. The front outside windows should be accented with white or black window shutters. The house roof trim should be replaced with 2-3 foot wide white or black roof trim to match the new shutters.

The existing non-matching temporary front door porch could be moved to their courtyard, centered against the back courtyard wall with their fraternity emblem facing their parking lot. Then expand it with an island grill/bar courtyard beneath it. This will show their fraternity emblem on both sides of their house. 😎

I agree with everyone that it would be clearly the best use of time, finances and effort for the Sigma Chi chapter. The chapter house facade is the face of the fraternity. This suggested facade renovation would illustrate power, dominance and prestige to this chapter. 🏛

It would enhance the university campus, Greek Row and this chapter. Hope to see it completed this upcoming year. 😀

By: Greek Row 🏛
by: 👩👨🧑👧👦👩‍🦱👨‍🦱   

We agree the Sigma Chi house's front door porch should be replaced with a permanent campus matching Georgian style 3 story portico centered facade with wide columns, wider roof trim and outside accenting window shutters. 🏛

Your corner Chapter house 🏛 is the most widely seen Greek house on campus. It really needs renovations. 🤭

By: 👩👨🧑👧👦👩‍🦱👨‍🦱
by: Sigma Chi PC Members! 😺   

Build it!

By: Sigma Chi PC Members! 😺
by: **** off   

Quit astroturfing and get a life.

You're not even an SMU student.

By: **** off

"It has been 40 years"

You mean back when you were a student.

by: Game Day Visitors 😃   

Each game Day there will be 10s of thousands of pony fans passing-by the SX house. This corner Chapter house is the most widely seen Greek house on campus. It really needs renovations. 🤭

By: Game Day Visitors 😃
by: agree 👧   

Like a k-mart store facade in the middle of Highland Park Village. This corner Chapter house is the most widely seen Greek house on campus. It really needs renovations. 🤭

By: agree 👧
by: Get a life   

Obvious astroturfing from the University Park HOA is obvious.

By: Get a life
by: nope ^   

More dead beat Chapter officer's or a competing fraternity member's above post.

Build it!

By: nope ^

Heard the present sig chi chapter officers just want to have a standard year. No improvements or house renovations.

Well, recall them. Have recall elections next month. A new chapter Prez & Treasurer can get the job done.

Sig chi can raise the $25 grand easily within 1 month. Then construction can begin in early Nov and be finished by early rush in mid-Jan.

It would enhance the university campus, Greek Row and this chapter. Hope to see it completed this upcoming year. 😀

By: 😎 Frat Cat
by: yep 🤠   

Sigma Chi Chapter pledges, ask your officers to dedicate their efforts this Fall semester to the Chapter house facade renovation project. 🏛

If not, they face recall elections within a few weeks.

By: yep 🤠
by: Sigma Chi   

Hi Frat Cat!

Thank you so much for your input. We will happily build this project because you've asked the exact amount of times required by our nationals. However if you make one more post asking us to build this, then I'm afraid we'll have to scrap the whole project and never ever change the front of the house. Some insider info from our bylaws is that every Sigma Chi chapter is required to do something when asked a specific amount of times on an Online forum as stated in Rule 18:160b, no more, no less. It's the law, and if we build the front after you ask an additional time after this, it could risk us losing our charter.

By: Sigma Chi
by: nope ^   

Either a dead beat Chapter officer or a competing fraternity member wrote the above post.

Sigma Chi being a top Chapter, their house needs a (3) three story front facade similar to Dallas Hall 🏛. It should be a Georgian style front centered portico porch to cover the middle (5) five windows, with no less than (6) six wide columns across. The front outside windows should be accented with white or black window shutters. The house roof trim should be replaced with 2-3 foot wide white or black roof trim to match the new shutters.

Greek Row 🏛

By: nope ^
by: :'-(   

I'm so sorry Frat Cat, but the construction crew was supposed to start on Monday, I just called them to cancel the job because of your most recent comment. It's truly a shame.

Bylaws are bylaws.

By: :'-(
by: Sigma Sigma Chi   


By: Sigma Sigma Chi
by: nope ^   

More dead beat Chapter officer or a competing fraternity members above posts.

Build it!

By: nope ^
by: Sigma Chi   

It can't be built and it's all your fault. The construction crew was at the house today, and I was in tears telling them that we had to cancel our project due to your actions.

Thanks a lot, you jerk. We can't even get our deposit back.

By: Sigma Chi

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