
who will get the best pc14?

by: Predictions

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#1  by: Fratboy    

Everyone has been saying tri delt will get the top pledge class this year. Everyone else better watch out there's a new top sorority on campus after this bid day. Pi phi kappa and theta will just have to take a back seat behind ddd.

By: Fratboy
by: reallyDec 20, 2013 2:51:17 AM

Is this a joke? Every freshman I've talked to is straying far from DDD after their reputation has gone downhill for the past two years. They used to be top like five years ago and now Chi Omega is above them.. Sad but true.

By: really
#2  by: lol   

^well they have been everything that moves...

By: lol
#3  by: right   

toss up between theta and kappa. then pi phi and chi o. nice try tri delt

By: right
by: AlmostDec 25, 2013 5:56:14 PM

Basically right except switch Pi phi and kappa. Most of the best girls are not going kappa this year. Definitely still a handfull of top girls though. Chi o will not be too great but still guarunteed better than tri delt. At least that part everyone can agree on except tri delt...

By: Almost
by: suckeeDec 25, 2013 10:19:56 PM

theta and kappa suck

By: suckee
by: lolDec 26, 2013 10:53:15 AM

You don't have to be rude!

By: lol
#4  by: honestly   

theta - hands down

By: honestly
#5  by: .   

Theta will likely get the top PC! They are fun girls with a decent sisterhood and actually care about their grades/involvement! I don't think there will ever be one "top" house at SMU but I think Theta will get the best PC.

next 3 houses are all up in the air and really in no order

Pi Phi: rushed a lot a lot of girls and even had a rush coach come in this year for extra help! Hopefully that will help them bounce back from their last couple years. This is an important year for them they'll either keep their spot in the top three or slip further down.

Chi O doesn't rush very hard and they always end up with the same kind of nice cute girls, they'd need to pull a lot of standouts and ditch some of the boring girls to pass pi phi or kappa but it could maybe happen.

Kappa- they'll get the same bunch of legacy girls, some beautiful some mehh but their PC will be defined by how fun/sociable they are with everyone else because thats what's hurts them. Money and tradition will probably keep em' in the top 3 for a while though.


Tri Delt: will be the net that catches the leftovers from these four houses, so they will end up with a good group of girls as always but its all about whether these girls end up getting along with each other or not.

DG: DG also doesn't rush very hard but they have a strong sisterhood and some really cute girls- could pass tri delt if they get a good group

A Chi O: this house is steadily improving

G Phi: same each year- hope they fill their PC

By: .
#6  by: Guest   

Chi O will got the top house suck it everyone else sorry for being hot

By: Guest
by: okDec 26, 2013 7:40:21 PM

a Chi O would literally never say that. it's ok to have opinions but don't float around this site acting as if you're representing a group that you don't.

By: ok
by: GuestDec 27, 2013 7:12:59 AM

Maybe one didn't say this but I know a ton of chi os who are way too full of themselves and just pretend to hide it...

By: Guest
#7  by: FratMan   

Kappa is a do nothing, dead-beat sorority. They rarely show-up for most Fraternity mixers. They will make an appearance if the Fraternity funds all the cost and has a major band at a party just for them. Over half are average to below average looking legacies.

By: FratMan
#8  by: lol   

Theta has such a good PR person on Greekrank. Professional? Or just one of their own marketing majors who can be so "nice nice" all the while ranking everyone else below themselves? Come on Theta, every house has fun girls and great sisterhoods. Get off this site and quit saying you're better than everyone else.

By: lol
by: YeahthetaDec 29, 2013 1:20:14 PM

Quit with the pr theta. Stop trying to "nicely" put yourself above everyone else. Other houses have hot girls and care about grades and involvement as well. We all know your posts are usually backhanded with malicious intent so just stop...I would mention dirt about you too but won't stoop to that level

By: Yeahtheta
by: agreedDec 31, 2013 10:22:09 AM

Agreed. All the sororites are great for different reasons and it really does look insecure to go on this site and say yours is better than every one elses

By: agreed

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