
q&a with panhellenic women, every group represente


We have finally teamed up to do the impossible! After a crazy amount of frustration stemming from the horrible things said here - rumors, lies, gossip - we decided to band together to answer some of your most pressing questions and concerns, not only about rush, but also about our organizations.

We are a small group of eight women - one from EVERY sorority. All of us are juniors or seniors who are currently active in our groups. This Q&A sesh was the idea of one, and we all willingly jumped on board. It's time SMU girls knew the truth about what happens within our respective sororities...not the nastiness that people seem to love posting here. It's been an idea in the works for about a month, and we finally got our last sorority member to sign on, so we are complete!

We are going to leave this forum open over winter break. As we spot posts, we will unite via phone/Skype/Facebook to respond. We will identify which group we belong to when we reply. We will answer any question under the sole requirement of anonymity - our opinions, though positive and in the spirit of Panhel love, are not reflective of all members of the Greek community. This isn't some PR effort, it is not an official Panhel Council effort - we just want to expose the honest, rational truth to PNMs who are probably put-off by the crap that gets posted here.

Hit us with your best shot. We'll be around. :)

Posted By: Together Complete!
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What is the mission of Greek at SMU?

By: Mission?

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by: Together!   

This is our collective response:

The purpose of Greek life at SMU is to foster close friendships with people who have similar values and goals. When we build these kinds of connections, we make ourselves powerful global citizens who are active and aware. Greek life gives us social, philanthropic, and academic ways of expressing and developing this unity. It challenges us to be better men and women. When it does what it's supposed to do, Greek life makes us stronger and more capable of handling the world's bigger issues. You have to make sure you're joining for the right reasons - for friendships, productivity, activity, and growth. Where SMU Greek life struggles is that it doesn't really bring us into contact with these values and people from other groups who still share these values - there needs to be more inter-council activity between IFC, Panhel, MGC, and NPHC, so we need to get back to those values that drew us all here to Greek life in the first place. :)

Does this answer your question?

By: Together!
by: yes it does   

Yes it does! Basicly that was a convoluted way of saying that if there is a mission for Greeks at SMU, you are not following it.

By: yes it does

It seems like a lot of the animosity on this site stems from ranking and tier labeling. It also seems that this site and it's rankings create a cycle of anger, hurt and malice as all groups seek revenge for nasty posts. It doesn't seem that this could possibly be good for anyone. It seems also that there are those who wish to own and be labeled "top tier" on this site, and there are others who wish for all groups to be labeled top tier, recognizing and encouraging the strengths and growth of all Greeks. Do any of you 8 ladies believe in, or perpetuate rankings and tiers?

By: Rankings?
by: Together!   

We're still waiting to hear back from AXO, GPB, and DDD! Be patient - we should have everyone's response by noon. Check back later for an answer. We're glad you asked! :)

By: Together!
by: Together!   

(pt 6)

(GPB cont'd) You should feel sorry for those girls (and guys). They are obviously unhappy with life. It's sad but it's true. We believe in the mission of Greek life and we support our sisters and other sororities. We're all in this together and if we get a smaller pledge class of girls we like who stick to our values, then that's great. It's a victory for the Greek system! I wish this website would shut down because it just hurts us and our friends. We should encourage each other with positive rankings and Panhellenic love! I don't believe in negative rankings and you shouldn't either. Give every sorority a chance. Don't pay attention to the small-minded gossip of a few bitter people who probably aren't even Greek. We are all strong in our own ways and we owe it to ourselves and our sororities to put those strengths together.

EDITOR - These posts were minimally edited for spelling and grammar, but otherwise the thoughts are original! We hope you find them useful as you go through rush! Stick to your beliefs and values and we're sure you'll find people like you who want to do good in the world and make the Greek community stronger! :)

By: Together!
by: .   

Why does it feel like pi phi is using their responses as a way to self promote? "Soooooo many girls want us" l o l

By: .
by: ^^^^^^   

" Rankings are obviously posted by people with problems. Let's just get that straight." - Love this comment!

By: ^^^^^^

If you know another sorority is rushing a girl do you not consider her as much? I know I've gone to lunches with girls I felt I couldn't say no to, and sororities that I like more have seen me on those lunches...
Also do you talk to eachother during rush week? Like do you know which sororities cut certain girls and which ones they have left?

By: Guest
by: Together!   

(collective response!)

Not necessarily! We have an idea of what we want to improve on - if previous PCs weren't strong academically, we might push to improve that. If we wanna get more involved with our philanthropy, we'll probably recruit girls with a good history of volunteering. Ultimately it comes down to whether or not you fit our dynamic, which we know better than any PNM or frat boy. If we see you out with other sororities, it might make you seem "harder" to get but that doesn't mean we won't try! If we feel like you belong with us, we'll keep rushing you and inviting you back. If we feel like you'd fit in better somewhere else, we'll cut you and give you the freedom to explore those houses more. :)

YES, we DO talk to each other during rush week. Or at least, all 8 of us have talked to friends in other houses. If you come into our house with a bad attitude, like "I'm gonna be an XYZ, nothing else, I don't want to be here, I won't 'end up' here" you bet we'll tell our friends in XYZ you said that. It looks bad, like you don't respect us or value our time, or you're above the system.

We don't know who cuts you unless you tell us, but obviously if you come back on pref day crying and angry, we'll know a) you got cut from what you wanted, b) you don't want to be in our house, and c) you thought you knew what was right for you more than we did. Please trust our judgment. We are here to help you in the right direction, even if that isn't with us.

By: Together!

request to put an end to this, it's a nice idea but having on individually (unelected) speak on behalf of the 200 women in each house is niether accurate not fair. This is a great idea and I respect what you're trying to do but I don't think it's helpful I think it's confusing and frustrating for everyone who's read this thread. You're stating information as if it is factual and agreed upon when in reality we have no idea who's behind all this.

By: .

Request to end this, seconded! While I'm sure your intentions are good, this is not the way to go about promoting Panhellenic life. Anonymity is not your friend, it hinders your mission. There's no way to verify that you're members of these groups or that you're even eight different people. There's also no way for girls within your sororities to contest what you say, without revealing that they participate on this kind of website. And we all know what happens when girls get caught on this website: "desperate!" "pathetic!" "self-ranking!" and other insults. I get why you'd want to be anonymous, but...it's just not worth it. It is not the responsibility of a small few to represent the entire group, especially since sororities are made up of over 100 girls with different stories, opinions, values, etc. That is what recruitment is for - to give the ENTIRE organization the chance to represent itself. Thanks for trying to fix something that's desperately broken, but I think it was a misguided attempt. Panhellenic love anyway!

PNMS: Figure out for yourself what is right or wrong. If you have a question, ask us during recruitment, in person. We will almost always be happy to answer. See you in a month!

By: Senior Active
by: Great response   

I love this response. Beautifully and thoughtfully expressed!So how do we go about closing down this site so that every organization doesn't continue to be hurt by it?

By: Great response

I transferred to SMU as a Junior this year and am rushing in the spring. Do you guys take upperclassmen or are you guys more focused on getting freshmen?

By: Junior

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