
sophomore rushing

by: Freshman

I'm a freshman and I'm not rushing this year but I'd like to rush as a sophomore. How does sophomore rush work?

Posted By: Freshman
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#1  by: .   

It works the exact same as Freshman recruitment if you wanna go through formal recruitment in the spring of your sophomore year.

Otherwise, you can do informal recruitment in the fall, but you don't get as wide a selection then because very few houses do fall recruitment. in that case, you need to talk to individual girls in the sororities that do fall recruitment to get information on how to do it.

By: .
#2  by: toomanyfreshman   

Only a few houses do fall recruitment (in the past it's been G Phi and AXO) but AXO didn't do fall rush this year from what I know.

Honestly you'd probably be better off rushing as a freshman. The school is running into the problem now of there are too many girls going through rush and not enough spots in sororities on campus. A ton of girls are going to get this year so for sophomores you /really/ have to good friends in a house to get a bid. Rush as a freshman, you'll stand a better chance at getting a bid.

By: toomanyfreshman
by: Above posterDec 7, 2013 12:13:06 PM

The problem is that I didn't go through recruitment because I missed the first mandatory meeting, so the only way I could rush is as a sophomore.

By: Above poster
by: not mandatoryDec 7, 2013 7:49:23 PM

they say the meetings are mandatory but thats only bc they want more people to go to them. I know many people who have missed meetings and panhellenic preview and still rushed, so your best chance would have been to still register but registration is now closed. May be worth contacting someone to see if there is any possibility

By: not mandatory
by: do itDec 31, 2013 10:13:22 AM

Give it a try

By: do it

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