

by: oh hey

no one in their right mind would say that pi phi or kappa are top at anything...except maybe that they're top at being the dumbest. pi phi used to be known for being nice and bubbly but the most recent pc is full of snotty and unfriendly young women. kappa is just a bunch of average legacies that are legends in their own minds.

Posted By: oh hey
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#1  by: harsh   

kind of harsh

By: harsh
by: angleNov 16, 2013 9:01:12 AM

Piphi and Kappa are popular with the frats and extremely paranoid about losing that popularity, or they wouldn' always be posting rankings with themselves first and dissing other sororites. But not everyone agrees that popularity with the frats is the most important thing in greek life.Piphi and Kappa are consistantly bottom in GPA, and most are totally uninvolved in leadership on campus, but they're here to have a good time and get their MRS. and they'll probs be very successful at that. It's a shame, though, that they don't take advantage of what SMU has to offer other than a party. In the end, brains will get you further. And there's no reason for anyone to post harsh things about any of the other sororities. They are all truly great for different reasons

By: angle
by: trueNov 17, 2013 11:28:44 PM


By: true
#2  by: Actually   

Actually, in looking at some of these comments in the rankings, Piphi and Kappa deserve whatever harsh things are said about them

By: Actually
#3  by: LOL   

Um, being realistic, you can keep bringing up GPA but it's totally irrelevant. There are a lot of GDI's that have higher GPAs than greeks. So are they better than greeks?

The fact is frats like pi phi and kappa. there's nothing wrong with that.

by: laughin harderNov 16, 2013 10:57:20 PM

Um, just because you're a Kappa or Piphi and always have the lowest GPA doesn't mean GPA isn't relevant. And guys are great no matter what, but being stupid isn't

By: laughin harder
#4  by: apparently   

Bringing up GPA is all lower tier houses care about. But yet the guys and pnms still want Kappa and pi phi. problem is, kappa and pi phi only want certain girls. they want very few girls compared to the demand

And a lower GPA doesn't mean stupid. If that were the case does that mean GDIs are smarter?

By: apparently
by: hahahaNov 17, 2013 8:09:56 AM

Greeks as a whole have higher gpa's than GDI's but if individual GDI's have higher GPA's than Kappa and Piphi than they probably are smarter than Kappas and Piphis. Most people wouldn't need that explained.

By: hahaha
by: PNMNov 17, 2013 9:41:13 AM

"bringing up GPA is all lower tier houses care about"
Sorry, but your lower tier is my top tier. Kappas and piphis seem fine, and they do seem to be popular with the frats, but that's all they seem to care about. I wish to hang out with people who are involved in leadership and making a difference in the world

#5  by: look at the stats   

You can be top tier and still care about grades. Just look at Theta. That being said, you can also be bottom tier and not care about grades. Just look at Gamma Phi. Tiers don't have anything to do with what sororities care about grades. Just know if you're looking to have an intelligent conversation with sweet girls you should look at Chi O, A Chi O and Theta.

By: look at the stats
by: ummNov 17, 2013 1:06:43 PM

What makes you think ANY sorority doesn't care about grades? Grades are one of the top priorities for all of them, INCLUDING Kappa, Pi Phi, and Gamma Phi. The overall Panhellenic community has a GPA of approximately 3.5, and the individual sororities do not vary that much from it. Almost all sororities are within 0.1 from each other for GPA.

Or maybe you should look at the majors of the girls in the sororities. Of course ones with more engineering majors will have lower GPAs than the ones with more business majors, because engineering is more intellectually challenging. Don't just take GPA and say that is the only factor determining the intelligence of an organization.

Also, you can have a great, intelligent conversation with people in any organization. Just because XO, AXO, and Theta are top in GPA doesn't mean that you can't find equally (if not more) intelligent people in other sororities.

By: umm
#6  by: .   

It's also important to note that not all majors are equally easy to maintain high gpas in. Some, even some you would not expect, have lower averages for all students due to the nature of the programs and some you would expect to have lower averages have higher ones due to curving.
Some of the houses with gpas in the lower half of the sororities have many girls in extremely difficult majors. Some of the houses with higher gpas have a good deal of women in communications, or business.
I'm not saying gpa isn't important or wonderful, and all the houses do care, and do strive for a high one. However, I'm saying it's not a definitive measure of intelligence or involvement.
Meet the girls, watch them in class, see the work they do or the things they do outside of mere classwork. That's how you tell who is involved, who has intelligent girls, who has great sisterhood, ect. Depending on what you value, that is how you should define the tier system.

By: .

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