

by: pnm

theta=piphi (theta is for the top tiers who like to rage, piphi is for the prettiest girls who still like to party)
kappa (rich legacies who dont like to be involved with much. not a good sisterhood)
tridelt=chi o (tridelt is a little bit of the catchall for girls who didnt get piphi or theta but has GREAT girls with a good sisterhood and are fun. Chi O is generally nice, smart, involved girls, with a few who rage)
DG (generally a mix of girls. very fun but varied in involvement)
AXO (sweet, involved girls. mix of fun and social and a little awkward but still nice)
gamma phi (the true catchall. anyone can get a gphi bid, but theyre all very nice, involved, and close with their sisters)

Posted By: pnm
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