

by: interesting

is it true that chi o got caught cheating in float building? rumor has it some tri delts have pictures of them bringing in pre-made pieces (highly illegal) and the chi o's in leadership positions within student foundation are keeping them from getting in trouble. just pathetic. its no fun if you don't play fair!

Posted By: interesting
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#1  by: yeah   

I was at float building last night and I saw the pictures!!!

By: yeah
#2  by: Truth   

Makes sense considering their candidate is president of student foundations and would do anything to cover it up.

By: Truth
#3  by: Lol   

Come on guys is this serious? Student foundation is an honest organization and would never let something like this happen. This is a petty accusation which we all know isn't true. Panhel love, happy homecoming, & may the best float win.

By: Lol
#4  by: realtalk   

I saw them bringing in rolled elements from outside! they had almost nothing done on wednesday and then tons and tons of rolled stuff all of a sudden yesterday. SF told the girls who brought the pictures to them that it isn't provable that they were taken inside and not in the garage... wow.

By: realtalk
#5  by: hey   

Let's be real. Chi-os float is awesome. I really doubt they cheated, I saw them working on that rocking t-rex head they have. I think this is probably just someone who is bitter about the fact that Chi-o is rocking homecoming this year.

By: hey
#6  by: Uh   

Who cares? It's a float building competition

By: Uh
#7  by: Umm   

President of student foundation is a DG...

By: Umm
#8  by: but   

committee chair for homecoming (who was on site at the time/showed the pictures) is a XO

By: but

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