
recruitment events


what has everyone thought about recruitment events so far? I thought kappa was super awkward today.

Posted By: freshie
Page 1 of 1

a legacy? if not that's probably why they were awkward towards you. they only take legacies and prefer blondes but will take a white brunette girl if she's wealthy and southern enough.

By: are you
by: be positive   

It's true that Kappa only takes legacies, and that they all come from the same zip code, and that everyone knows each other before they come. And they date people who all come from the same high school. That wouldn't be the college culttural growth experience or adventure that everyone is looking for, but they're happy. And It would be boring if we were all alike. It doesn't make them awkward, and it's no reason to be rude. Greeks need to be kind and celebrate each other's uniqueness, differences and strengths, which all groups have....

By: be positive
by: no   

that is so not true, I'm not a kappa but i have a lot of friends that are. You don't have to be a legacy to be a kappa but it doesn't hurt, as it doesn't for other sororities.

By: no

not true. there were plenty of girls having fun at kappa, or at least from what I saw. keep in mind that kappa might not be for everyone.

By: this is

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by: true    

that's true

By: true


By: opinions
by: be nice   

be nice

By: be nice

I loved Kappa!

By: not at all.

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