
panhellenic preview

by: future rush

MyThoughts after Panhellenic Preview. All the houses are great! I don't want to hear negative things about anyone, and I could find good things about every sorority. When I hear negative things it makes me think Greeks are petty and insecure, and I don't want to rush.

Posted By: future rush
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#1  by: greek love   

Panhel love

By: greek love
#2  by: Yes   

They truly are.
Kappas are so adorable, well mannered, and just all around precious. Extremely classy.
Chio omegas are some of the most loving, outgoing women around. They look out for each other, and have this really great sisterhood. I really respect them
Delta Gamma is full of awesome, down to earth, wonderful women. So unique and so fun, they are some of my absolute favorite people
Alpha Chis are super sweet, fun, great, all around women. I love them! And they are totally into everything on campus.
Gamma phis are the nicest girls I've met. They genuinely like each other, and seem to be very involved!
Tri delts are very fun to talk to, and always look put together.
Pi phis are just SO cute! I love how bubbly and sweet they are, too. I haven't met a pi phi I didn't like.
Thetas are really intelligent, from what I've seen in my classes. They also know how to have a good time, and I've seen them looking out for their sisters all the time.

Our panhellenic community has so much to offer <3

By: Yes
by: panhellenicOct 8, 2013 10:27:09 AM

Ladies, enjoy and be yourself. You will find the house that's best for you.

By: panhellenic
by: yesOct 8, 2013 10:28:43 AM

Yes, every sorority is great

By: yes
by: goodOct 10, 2013 12:33:44 PM

It's nice that someone said postitive things about everyone

By: good
by: niceOct 12, 2013 3:47:46 PM

It's nice when people actually write on an annonymous web site what they would say to others in person.

By: nice
by: panhel loveOct 18, 2013 10:06:31 PM

Keep it going

By: panhel love
by: betterOct 20, 2013 9:09:33 PM

This is better than ranking...

By: better
by: agreeOct 24, 2013 7:22:26 AM


By: agree
by: thank youOct 29, 2013 9:59:28 PM

thank you

By: thank you
by: good karmaNov 8, 2013 6:11:15 PM

good karma comes from this

By: good karma
#3  by: Yay   

Wouldn't it be nice if this website could just be positve or disappear? It would be so great if everyone simply acknowledged each other's strengths and the goodness that is within each group.

By: Yay
by: agreedOct 9, 2013 9:42:36 PM


By: agreed
by: LoveOct 15, 2013 1:59:54 PM


By: Love
by: panhell loveOct 29, 2013 8:48:32 PM

panhel love

By: panhell love
by: joinOct 29, 2013 10:02:07 PM

Grab your friends and join any sorority. They're all great!

By: join
by: yesOct 29, 2013 10:58:21 PM

yes, no middle school sniping allowed

By: yes
#4  by: Love this!   

Love this!

By: Love this!
by: dittoOct 17, 2013 6:10:49 PM


By: ditto
by: allgreatOct 27, 2013 1:13:49 PM

All the sororites are great! Grab your friends and join any one, and make it stronger through your participation!

By: allgreat
#5  by: noffense   

But if you're so against this website then get off of it and stop posting on it. People will rank as they please and post as they please. No amount of sugar coating will change whether or not people have opinions nor will it change the social standings of the houses

By: noffense
by: so trueOct 29, 2013 12:01:40 AM

Because there are insecure, ignorant people everywhere, even in SMU's greek system, there will be people who feel like ranking the social standing of houses is a valid use of time. It's sad, but maybe they'll outgrow their middle school mentality as they progress through college.

By: so true
by: probably notOct 29, 2013 9:10:45 PM

Maybe they could just be convinced not to have children

By: probably not
#6  by: Rankmatters   

Whether people like it or not or can admit it, rank matters. So does getting into the right sorority house, whichever that may be for you. Whether it's wanting to be in a house that the frats typically like, wanting to know you fit the standards of a top house or being with your childhood friends it matters.
That's why sites like this exist. And even if it didn't exist, the questions will still be asked on yahoo answers or greekchat or whatever else forum exists.

Don't like this site then don't come here. Your stupid "every house is fab" comments don't work. No one cares because that's not the reality

By: Rankmatters
by: LOL to rankmatters^^Oct 29, 2013 1:22:40 PM

Wonder who wrote this? Someone's feeling mighty insecure these days. Those who party the most are fine - for sure they're having a good time; and those whose parents might have a little more money than others- that's great if that's how you choose your friends; and if you go to college to continue being with your high school friends - nothing wrong with that. But don't pretend that those values are most important to everyone - or that your house is better than another just because you and your friends have the nerve to say so - Anyway, In the long run, brains will get you further than parties, and people who claim "top" on this site are consistently the bottom 2 for GPA.

By: LOL to rankmatters^^
by: how trueOct 29, 2013 10:48:55 PM

how true

By: how true
#7  by: LOL to rankmatters^^   

Wonder who wrote this? Someone's feeling mighty insecure these days. Those who party the most are fine - for sure they're having a good time; and those whose parents might have a little more money than others- that's great if that's how you choose your friends; and if you go to college to continue being with your high school friends - nothing wrong with that. But don't pretend that those values are most important to everyone - or that your house is better than another just because you and your friends have the nerve to say so - Anyway, In the long run, brains will get you further than parties, and people who claim "top" on this site are consistently the bottom 2 for GPA.

By: LOL to rankmatters^^
#8  by: ^^@rank matters   

Why is poster "rank matters" so threatened by everyone else being fab and the whole Greek system being strong?

By: ^^@rank matters
#9  by: Rankmatters   

Uh oh, sounds like we have bottom tier girls who are offended :)

By: Rankmatters
by: AwwwwwOct 29, 2013 9:27:52 PM

You're cute. I love it when people fulfill every negative stereotype SMU has. If you want to post nasty things, you do you, sweetie. I don't think everyone is equally great for me (I find a lot of the sororities don't share my sense of humor or values), but I do think every sorority has strengths and is the best home out there for someone, and they deserve to hear why people respect that house.

By: Awwwww
by: ha haNov 9, 2013 10:18:40 AM

The thing is that the tiers you construct with your values may not match the tiers I construct with my values. I would put sororities in the top tier based on academics, sisterhood, etc. You might put sororities in the top tier based on parent's income and debutant status. My top tier is your bottom tier. So no, I'm not offended that you're not like me. I'm offended that you don't see that we're different.

By: ha ha

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