
sorority attributes alphabetically


Alpha chi omega - super sweet girls with a super strong sisterhood. 2nd highest GPA, highly represented in campus leadership, active in clubs in everything from premed and engineering, to cheerleading. Love to party but greatly focused on achievement. Largest pledge classes last 2 years with 60 girls each year. Huge concentration of hilltop scholars. Lots of school spirit, Competent, confident, kind beautiful girls inside and out.

Chio - nice mix of girls, some super religious, some into partying. HIghest GPA and focused on achievement. HIgh involvement on campus, seem to have strong sisterhood. Competent confident girls beautiful inside and out.

DG - nice mix of girls, known for partying but accepting of all kinds. Had large pledge classes the last 2 years with close to 60 girls each year. Last pledge class seems to be largely involved on campus. Seem to have a strong sisterhood. Lots of school spirit, active in Sing Song, 4th highest GPA

Gamma Phi - Nice girls, super strong sister hood, involved on campus, lots of school spirit, usually place in Sing Song, Gorgeous and talented master of ceremonies last year in sing song. Lots of talented women. Large pledge class of 40 last year

Kappa - Keep to themselves, paired with a Fraternity Known for taking only legacies or people they grew up with. Pride themselves on money, status, image, and appearance Lowest GPA, not known for campus involvement or leadership, but seem to be nice

Posted By: observer
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by: yes!   

Yes, thank you, I am interested in all aspects of sorority life

By: yes!
by: Good!   

Great Job!

By: Good!
by: Thank you!   

Spot on!

By: Thank you!
by: enlightening   

I have wanted to know about these other aspects of sorority life

By: enlightening
by: great   

It's great to hear about something else besides who parties the most

By: great

Thank you for doing this! I was tired of only hearing about who parties the most!

By: Thank you!

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by: Finally   

Finally, Thank you!

By: Finally
by: about time   

About time...

By: about time
by: Great   

Really not crazy about this site, but I love that someone put these attributes forward

By: Great
by: Good reading   

Good reading

By: Good reading
by: Thank you   

Thank you, I like hearing about all of the sororities

By: Thank you
by: Agree   


By: Agree
by: thank you   

thank you, I have wanted to know which girls value involvement

By: thank you

It's funny how you found a way to make a big deal out of the middle tier and lower tier houses lmao

by: hmmm   

I think the point is that the original poster probably doesn't believe in tiers, but was rather trying to illuminate the values and interests of the different sororities - all great for different reasons depending on what someone is looking for. And people should know what the values and interests of ALL of the houses are, and be free to choose and feel great about that choice. Further, I agree that Houses should not be judged against the values of a self proclaimed"top tier" house, unless the person doing the judging values the same things a "top tier" house at SMU values. To someone who doesn't prioritize those values in others,(really really rich, cute and from certain zip codes) many other houses could and should be considered "top tier", and no one should be threatened by that..Tier labeling exists only because it is advantageous to the people proclaiming themselves as "top" or somehow better than others.

By: hmmm
by: Actually   

Actually, I think the original poster described all of the houses accurately and fairly.

By: Actually

thank you! I get so tired of the usual self ranks!

By: thank you

thank you!

By: thank you!

thank you!

By: thank you

thank you

By: yay

a valid different focus

By: valid

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