
greek life and its negative effect on smu


Because of the prevalence (dare I say obsession) of greek life at this school, SMU has fallen behind academically compared to other schools in the area. SMU's priorities are both archaic and wrong and we shall suffer the consequences as more and more schools begin to surpass us.

Prime example #1: UTD has a better ranked business school than the SMU pinnacle of success - Cox School of Business. The fact that we aren't even the number one ranked business program in the DFW area should be a wake up call for all but instead, here we are bickering about rankings that don't even matter after 2-3 years... Unless of course your goal is to become a trophy wife and find your future husband... And to that I say you're a lost cause anyways.

FYI, no I'm not a salty mom or a student who didn't get the bid they wanted, I'm just a concerned Mustang trying to open your eyes to this echo chamber we live in. There's more to the world than University Park and we are slipping in standing because people aren't waking up.

Posted By: reality
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By: A
by: WRONG !!   


SMU Departments are ALL nationally ranked and recognized.
SMU is ranked as a top 3 university in Texas.
SMU alumni own, chair or manage a majority of Texas corporations.

However, SMU must step-in and reconstruct Panhellenic.
Panhellenic really lead-on too many PNMs this recruitment.
Full disclosure of the past few recruitment results must be given to PMNs by Halloween.
There are a ridiculously large number of Shocked GDIs this Spring.
Most GDIs will transfer for sophomore year and spitefully spread more of these false academic comments about SMU.

By: WRONG !!

You are flat out wrong. You can look at the data. SMU students in Greek Life have an average GPA of 3.42 whereas non greek students have an average of 3.32. The SMU faculty and staff does not care at all about its greek life scene. Only half of the students at SMU actually care about greek life. If you were in Greek life you would know this because every time a house has an issue with the school they will be as slow and uncooperative as possible. Now if you were working with commons council for Armstrong or something, issues with the school would be fixed right away. The school give no money towards IFC or Panhel. Everything is paid for by students paying dues and fees by people in those programs.

I'll let you in on a little secret. The only people who care about rankings are people who didn't get into the first house they wanted.

Greek life is very important to SMU academics. Greek students are better students and have a better network of opportunities.

By: Hmmmm
by: ???   

Test banks are the reason why Greek students do better.

By: ???

Our GR site is being monitored and TROLLED by a UT student/alumni.

DO NOT respond to his / her nuisance SMU attack posts.
He will then get bored and move to another university.


Yes, SMU is recognized as an increasingly less prestgious university in Texas. Unless you want to spend the rest of your life in Dallas (probably the plan for many SMU Greek folks), things are not going to be so easy after four years of "pay-way-get-an-A," especially for the many California girls/USC rejects, who will find little/no name recognition or respect, versus UT and probably A and M. Enjoy that little bubble you are in, as it won't last long.

By: Greetings From UT!
by: ^ UT Troll   


SMU Departments are ALL nationally ranked and recognized.
SMU is ranked as a top 3 university in Texas.
SMU alumni own, chair or manage a majority of Texas corporations.

However, SMU must step-in and reconstruct Panhellenic.
Panhellenic really lead-on too many PNMs this recruitment.
Full disclosure of the past few recruitment results must be given to PMNs by Halloween.
There are a ridiculously large number of Shocked GDIs this Spring.
Most GDIs will transfer for sophomore year and spitefully spread more of these false academic comments about SMU.

By: ^ UT Troll

You know what started the downward spiral of SMU's prestige? The Death Penalty that the football program got in the late 80's. We had a highly respected football legacy and were nationally ranked year after year, with a 52–19–1 record from 1980 to 1986 and going undefeated in 1982. We attracted the top football recruits and coaches, and students wanted to come to SMU for the football, the academics, the Greek system, and the PRESTIGE of it all. It was the Texas version of UGA or Bama. Then in 1986 the slush fund was discovered where a booster was paying players tens of thousands of dollars, and the program was all but shuttered by the NCAA. We have never recovered from that, both athletically and in the caliber of students who were applying. The top students who had a choice were no longer choosing SMU when they could get into schools that had the total package of football, Greek, and academics. Those kids apply elsewhere now.

By: It's the football

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Are you even in alts bro

By: Alts

This person has OCD

By: lol

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