
does household income play a huge role during rush

by: Qa

How much do sororities pay attention to your parent's income? Income wise, I'm considered middle class. Do sororities check household incomes and how much of a role does it play when being recruited by the top houses (theta, pi phi, kappa)?

Posted By: Qa
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#1  by: barf   

Barf!!!!!Anyone who chooses sorority members based on money is surely only "top" in the minds of the clueless

By: barf
#2  by: P   

That's not where I was going with this. I'm just aware that the top houses consist of girls who come from money. My concern was that I'll get cut because my parents don't make a certain amount of money.

By: P
by: it seemsSep 3, 2013 10:31:54 PM

I get the feeling that there are many women in all of the sororites that have plenty of money, but there are also women who come from more average family incomes. The difference is that according to a previous response, the people in the "top" sororities either know each other before they come or are only interested in women from certain areas. Therefore, it seems you don't have a chance (and probably woudn't want it) I am hoping that most sororites are more interested in me as a person than where I'm from -and I'm from a nice place. If not, I don't want to be in that sorority

By: it seems
#3  by: P   

^ you seem genuine and down to earth. Not like most of the girls at SMU. Are you a freshman this year?

By: P

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