
sophomore interested in rush?

by: asbcdef

i didn't go through rush last semester but i'm interested in spring rush. any advice? which houses do I have a shot at?

Posted By: asbcdef
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#1  by: activemember   

All of the houses are required to take an upperclassmen quota of non-freshmen girls. This last year I believe it was 6 or 7. Some of the houses with extra spaces (from open upperclassmen spots due to transfers/disaffiliations) may offer additional bids to upperclassmen. As an upperclassmen, its important that you are actually friends with girls in the houses as they are likely to use their upperclassmen bids for girls they know they already click with and want to join their sisterhood! Also, keep in mind that as an upperclassmen you'll probably have fewer invitations throughout recruitment. Don't let that discourage you. Follow through the whole week and then see what your options are! Best of luck!

By: activemember
#2  by: asbcdef   

Thank you ^.^
I hope I can get a bid but i'm nervous

By: asbcdef

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