
is it worth it

by: freshman

What is the best part about being greek?

Posted By: freshman
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#1  by: friendship   

The best part about being Greek is always having good friends and something to do> It adds a whole other element to school and is definitely worth it

By: friendship
#2  by: agreed   

it is really nice to have friends you can count on

By: agreed
#3  by: Rush!   

You have to go for it!

By: Rush!
#4  by: Friends   

The best part about being Greek is the life-long friendships you make! My mom still keeps in contact with her sorority sisters and sees them once a year, and she was in college in the 80s. You instantly have a group of friends when you become a part of a sorority and they are always there for you when you need them. Overall, its a great experience. People on this site make it seem catty and shady, but the amount of people who think/act that way is very few. I strongly encourage you to consider going Greek!

By: Friends

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