
pnm question


Hi all,

I am an out of state non legacy and I only have a few rec letters. I am 100% going to rush but I am concerned that if I like a sorority that I didn’t get a rec for I will be dropped. Even if I don’t have a rec, if I keep my grades up could I get a bid?

Posted By: curious
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I would definitely get a rec letter for every house.
Some houses require a rec letter to give a bid, if you're a top pnm they can sometimes get you one, but having 1-3 letters for every house really increases your chances. You are in a good spot starting early and have 9 months to find letters. contact current friends at other schools and see if they can write letters (some houses actives can), contact your area alumni association for each sorority. Grades help, but letters are very important here.

By: ace
by: Agree   

Most houses require a letter to give you a bid.

By: Agree
by: - yep   

SMU Sorority Chapters 1-6 require rec letters and you MUST BE A LEGACY, closely connected / related to one or be one of the extremely rich, powerful and famous of your recruitment class. If not, be prepared to be corralled into sorority 7 & 8. No matter how good your grades or rec letters make you appear.

By: - yep

Thanks so much for all the help everyone. I was also wondering how early is too early to start submitting refs? I was going to begin early June in lining up my recs but I don’t know if I should wait until more like early August?

By: curious

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by: Wait   

Get the people you want to write letters early but don’t have them submit until at least August or September.

By: Wait

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