
dropping out of rush


Why do so many girls drop out of rush during recruitment? someone said 300/600 last year joined a sorority. Is it that they didnt get a bid they wanted, dont have grades, etc???

Posted By: freshman123
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Girls go into rush thinking they have bids at houses from knowing people and then get cut by those houses. When they get cut from the house they thought they'd be in they drop. Girls need to go into rush more open minded and understand SMU has a super competitive rush and even if you have one or two friends in a house it doesn't mean you'll get a bid.

By: Senior

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Each sorority can take the same number. Obviously because of sites like this and tall tales from family members, some houses are more in demand. The more in demand your house is, the more girls you have to cut. Those girls are still great girls and they still have invites to other houses. But they're completely butt hurt because they think they DESERVE to be in the house they want. They think they're TOO GOOD for the houses that actually want them. So, instead of trusting the process, they drop out. At a school like SMU, being in any greek house is wayyy better than being independent. Girls that are immature 18 year olds don't always understand that. It's too bad but by the time they're sophomores, it's too late. Most of them won't be able to get ANY house even though they realize that they could be happy anywhere.

By: honesty

When you get dropped from your favorite chapters during recruitment it really stings. Bad. No one likes rejection. People on here and during rush say keep an open mind. I agree and found my perfect home... Unfortunately many PNMs can't recover quickly enough to bounce back and look at their remaining houses with fresh eyes. This is especially true with PNMs that just "know" going in to rush they can only be a member of certain houses.

By: PNM Drops

As a sophomore that dropped out of rush last year, I can say that sometimes you get cut and are left with houses you actually don't feel like you belong in and it sucks. After being dropped from the houses I initially thought I would join, I kept an open mind and went back to ones that I thought I should reconsider. I did, and did not feel a connection with the houses. So yes, people say only girls who don't have open minds don't get bids and sometimes that is true and sometimes it isn't. I kept an open mind but was left with houses that I didn't feel like I would fit in with and I am SO happy I didn't just join one to join one. Now as a sophomore I may rush again, but i have never regretted dropping rush the first time. At schools like SMU where rush is competitive, sometimes it screws you over, but it's not the end of the world and everything will work out in the end.

By: sophomore13

With more than 100 girls in each house even if you don't connect with the 5/6 girls you talk to in recruitment you will find your group in every house. Regardless of reputation every house has the party girls who go out almost every night and the girls who go out rarely. Regardlesss if you're in a house that has a reputation for being partiers or not. Take whatever bid you get honestly because rushing a second time as a sophomore is even harder than a freshman. Every house at SMU is one of the 10 most influence sororities in the country and some of the oldest. Even if you just join for alumni networking after college it's worth it.

By: Senior

After being cut from a house I repeatedly received several oral bids from, I wanted to drop. It hurt so much. It makes you think you did something wrong or weren't good enough and that's the worst thing about it because it's so far from true. Or even worse you get a notion that you're too good for another house.....which isn't what the process should be about at all. I experienced all of those feelings and I was so wrong. After crying my eyes out and talking to my mom I stuck through—tbh it was better than going back and sitting alone in my dorm room. I'm now happier than I've ever been and I can't see myself anywhere else. I found women who appreciate and love me for everything I am and never expect me to be someone I'm not. Don't ever let a house make you feel like you have to change yourself or that you aren't good enough. Go in with an open mind and actively encourage and support everyone around you to do the same, and even if it doesn't feel like it at the time...it'll all work out exactly the way it's supposed to in the end!

By: Experience

If you drop out because you're only left with houses you don't feel like you belong in, there's something wrong with you. Our sororities are huge and there are plenty of girls in every house that any type of girl can connect with. If you think you're too good for the houses that choose you, you're too full of yourself and too self-centered to be a successful sorority member.

By: if...
by: really   

No one should join a house solely because they want to be in a sorority. Sure, give every house a chance, but dropping is the right choice for a lot of people. I didn't think I was too good for my last houses, but I didn't feel comfortable signing a bid card and have never regretted it

By: really
by: ^disagree   

I think you should join whichever house invites you if you want to be in a sorority. Every single house here has smart girls, dumb girls, pretty girls, plain girls, outgoing girls, shy girls, academic girls, social girls, involved girls, and ones that spend a lot of time on other things. I'm a senior and I've seen girls from low sororities get honors that I would have thought would have gone to top house girls. Then you get out and find that alums of your sorority are from houses across the country. Those houses were not all top, bottom, or even middle. They're very diverse -- true for all houses even Pi Phi, Theta, and Kappa. So just join something, realize how lucky you are, and make it work. You have supply the energy to get to know all those girls and form close relationships. So Go for It!!!

By: ^disagree
by: @above   

YES! This is the best advice I've ever seen about recruitment. If you want to be in a house you can be happy in any house as long as you go into it with the right attitude -- that of an open mind and open heart. Don't drop out because the house you liked most dropped you. Fall in love with a new house each day and be happy if you get a bid at all. Good luck!

By: @above

It sounds silly but it really works out the way it is suppose to. Some people get very focused on certain houses and refuse to be open to anything else which is why they end up having problems and dropping. if a house cuts you it probably wasn't a good fit and you wouldn't have been happy there which is hard to see in the moment but good in the long run. Just relax and know everything happens for a reason :)

By: trusttheprocess

The sad truth is the sororities don't have open minds. They judge by daddy's bank account, which designer clothes you are wearing etc. Most are full of local Texas want-to-be that never will be. It stings when you are not given a chance by individuals with less intelligence, not enough confidence to accept a more intelligent, prettier girl than themselves.
SMU needs more sororities so the few aren't so entitled.

By: wiser

stay with it! I had my top choice house on pref day, ranked them #1, and opened a bid card to find another house listed. I cried my eyes out for days and considered dropping, but I stuck with it and it was the best decision ever. The girls in my house encourage me, challenge me, and cheer me on every step of the way. I've served on my house's exec board, won national awards, and can't wait to be involved as an alum. Everything really does work out for a reason.

ALSO! Houses change! My house has changed significantly over the last few years. The juniors and sophomores you know might be totally different then the girls your older friend who graduated a few years ago knew, and might be totally different than your new member class or the new member classes that will come after you. While you obviously want to feel like your new house is a "perfect fit" from the minute you open your bid, realize that it might be a perfect fit once you run to the lawn and see who else is there, might be a perfect fit once you meet a new girl who becomes your big, or might be a perfect fit once you meet your rush crush next year.

By: ponyup16

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