
r u serious


Before everybody comes back from break and starts posting nasty comments about eachother, Id like to take a moment to point something out. before you post on Greek rank, it states "please do not post individual names, defaming content. cyber bullying is considered a crime". While the crime part isn't important, the bullying is. Is it really appropriate to call out adpi for giving a bid to a girl based on her personality, rather than her outward appearance? Is it really ok to call kappa "cheap" for eating canyon sober? Is it really okay to say theta sucks because their pledge class is "beat"? Is it really fine with you all to say upper tier frats "use" lower frats for their house? NO GUYS ITS NOT! while people claim theta is mean, does saying nasty things on an anonymous site really make you any better? Rankings are fine, every school has them. but I've never seen a Greek rank so outright disgusting towards eachother. We are a COMMUNITY. PI phi or phi mu, d chi or triangle , we are all HUMANS. with feelings, values and rights. So why can't we all just be that: a community . No more making fun of eachother, no more thinking anybody's better than anybody else, and no more bullying. ok?

Posted By: let's take a moment
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"Boo hoo" an original novel by OP

By: .

Before you type:  Please do not post individual names, defaming content, or spam. Remember, cyber bullying can be considered a crime.


by: lol   

if you really think it's perfectly okay to say mean things to others for no reason at all, go ahead and do it. but realize you're peaking so hard

By: lol
by: Hypocrite   

^^ "don't say mean things you peaking loser!"

By: Hypocrite
by: ..   

saying a mean person is peaking because they feel entitled to put others down is different than actually putting others down for no reason lol

By: ..
by: all i'm hearing   


By: all i'm hearing

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