
Best Frats at Penn State

by: IFC

Pi Kappa Alpha and Delta Chi are the two top fraternities.

Slightly below them is Beta Sigma Beta, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Alpha Tau Omega, and Acacia. Just under those four is Sigma Chi.

These seven fraternities are the only “top tier” fraternities at Penn State. There is a significant gap between these seven and the next four solid houses: Delta Upsilon, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Lambda Chi Alpha, and Phi Kappa Psi.

Posted By: IFC
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#1  by: Ching   

Switch out aepi with tke

By: Ching
#2  by: Derek   

This is it

By: Derek
#3  by: No cap   

The only houses that matter

By: No cap

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