
rushing as a sophomore


Hi! I went through formal recruitment this year as a freshman and made it all the way to bid day but decided to not accept my bid because after sitting down and thinking I really didn’t see myself in that certain sorority. I still wanna be in Greek life so I’m going to rush next year. Will my chances be harder?

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not so much harder bc they do take sops, but its going to be you and mainly freshmen so you'll have to stand out

By: eh

Its gonna be harder next year too because if sororities passed over you this year, they may remember you and pass over you again. Unless you stand out more, have a great GPA, and come up with reasons that you went through again that don't include not liking the sorority you ended up with, you may end up with similar results.

You honestly should have accepted the bid you were given and at least given that sorority a chance before saying it wasn't for you. They obviously saw something in you and chose you for a reason. Recruitment is a stressful process, and you wouldn't have lost anything by giving your bid a chance before writing off that sorority. I was butthurt I didn't get my first choice during recruitment and ended up in a sorority I thought I was better than, but I was extremely wrong. The sorority I ended up in was exactly what I needed and staying in it was the best decision I made. Ok rant over.

By: honestly

it will only be easier if you use these next 2 semesters to get to know girls currently in sororities and to get your gpa WAY up. dont know why you dropped already, shouldve given it a chance

By: yes

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