

by: DAF

There are a lot of post with girls complaining of low GPAs hurting their chance for a bid. WTH are they dumb af?

Posted By: DAF
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#1  by: an actual nice person   

Clearly you know nothing. A 2.75 in some majors is an accomplishment. I feel that it is unfair that some girls who are in DUS got to take easy classes (gen Ed’s, English, first year “seminar” that you get an a if you just show up) while there are girls in engineering programs that worked their asses off for a 3.0. No one is dumb. We all got into PSU. Worry about yourself before judging these other girls who probably spent more time studying this semester than you ever will have to do in your college career.

By: an actual nice person
#2  by: ^^   

She's just spitting the truth. No need to defend your ignorance with insult to this girl's rationality. Glad you're sitting pretty with your GPA, honestly good for you. But maybe try a little harder to get to know others with differing experiences, time commitments, and majors from your own. My advice would be to get out of your bubble before the world pops it for you, because you'd be in for a shock.

By: ^^

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